Brief Descriptions of the Subgroups
Which subgroup do you want to view? (these are targets within this page)
Subulate-scaled group
The clade is characterized by subulate scales and/or hydathodes. Within
the clade, there is a monophyletic group (boryanum - eximium) characterized
by hydathodes, and another monophyletic group (species 1 - auripilum
the evolutionary tree) characterized
by short-petiolate or sessile leaves. This latter group corresponds to
sect. Polytrichia subsect. Apoda.
A species (Elaphoglossum pilosius) of the subulate-scaled
from Cerro de la Muerte, 3200 m, Costa Rica. (photo by R. C. Moran). |
Scales typical of the subulate-scaled group. (Elaphoglossum erinaceum, Costa Rica) |
Some typical species of subulate-scaled Elaphoglossum.
A-E. E. pilosius F-G. E. setosum J-L. E. jaliscanum M,N. E. pusillum Q. E. monicae
Section Lepidoglossa
This section is characterized by conspicuously scaly blades. The scales
can have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors.
A scaly species of Elaphoglossum from Costa Rica
(photo by R. C. Moran) |
Scaly blade representative of Elaphoglossum section
(photo by R. C. Moran) |
Elaphoglossum sect.
A-F. Elaphoglossum muscosum G-P. E. paleaceum Q. E. vestitum R-W. E. pringlei
(from Mickel & Beitel, 1988) |
Section Squamipedia
This section is characterized by slender, long-creeping, two-ranked
rhizomes, small leaves (generally less than 20 cm long), and spiny spores.
All the species have two peg-like aerophores on the rhizome, 1-2 mm from
the petiole base. Phyllopodia are absent. A well-known species in this
group is the parsley fern, Elaphoglossum peltatum, which is unusual
because of its flabellately divided leaves.
Peg-like aerophores characteristic of Elaphoglossum sect.
(E. peltatum, photo by R. C. Moran) |
Section Elaphoglossum
This clade is characterized by inconspicuously scaly or glabrous blades.
On the evolutionary tree, the
clade consisting of affine - acrostichoides is characterized by
short-creeping rhizomes.
A species of section Elaphoglossum, E. conspersum
From Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica, 3200 m.
(photo by R. C. Moran) |
Section Amygdalifolium
This section contains only one species: Elaphoglossum amygdalifolium. It differs from the rest of the genus by the combination of hydathodes, phyllopodia, and reddish young leaves.
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John Mickel
Tim Motley
This page last updated 7 December 2001