For over five years, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, USA (NY), and the Center for Cocoa Research, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil (CEPEC), have been collaborating to conserve and better understand the flora of southern Bahia, Brazil, with funding from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This collaboration includes a program to collect plants in the area's different vegetation types, quantitative inventory of specific forest sites, education of local students, increasing public awareness of the impact of deforestation, and infrastructure support for CEPEC. One of our study sites has been the Una Biological Reserve. Below we present a preliminary checklist of the plant species of the Reserve along with introductory information on the Atlantic coastal forest of Brazil.
The coastal rain forest once extended from Rio Grande do Norte south to the coastal area of Rio Grande do Sul, forming a narrow fringe of forest sandwiched between the ocean and the dry uplands of the planalto. Because of its geographic isolation from other forest types, this forest has one of the highest percentages of endemism in the world: over 50% of the tree species (Mori et al. 1981) and 92% of the amphibians (Lynch 1979) are found nowhere else in the world. Thus, the assemblage of plant and animal species found here is not merely a displaced portion of the Amazonian forest, but constitutes a unique floristic province that is seriously threatened (Mori et al. 1983, Mori 1989).
Despite sharing some of its flora and fauna with the Amazonian forest (Brown 1987b, Mori 1989), the Atlantic forests have been considered to be a distinct neotropical forest type (Lynch 1979, Cracraft 1985, Vanzolini 1988, Mori 1989). In recent surveys of the biota of South American tropical forests, the Atlantic forest region of Brazil is widely considered to comprise one or more distinct areas of endemism (Duellman 1979, Prance 1982, 1988, Buckley et al. 1985, Brown 1987a, 1987b, Whitmore & Prance 1987, Vanzolini and Heyer 1988). For many groups of organisms (including plants, some Lepidoptera, some Hymenoptera, and amphibians), southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo are thought to comprise a distinct area of endemism (Richards 1978, Lynch 1979, Brown 1987a, Prance 1988).
In southern Bahia, the remaining coastal forests occupy a belt approximately 100-200 km wide along the Atlantic coast. The forests gradually become drier inland, changing from the littoral restinga forest to the southern Bahian wet forest (rain forest) to the southern Bahian moist forest (subdeciduous forest) to the liana forest (seasonally dry deciduous forest) (Gouvêa et al. 1976, Mori 1989). Each of these forest types occupies a narrow zone up to 50 km wide within the coastal forest belt and varies in composition depending on elevation, soils, and drainage. Within the southern Bahian wet forest zone, variation in soils and topography results in a patchwork of diverse micro-habitats within the superficially uniform forest type.
The inland vegetation of the Reserve is classified as southern Bahian wet forest (mata higrófila sul-Bahiana of Gouvêa et al. 1976) and that near the coast as restinga over sand. The lack of a distinct dry season and the high rainfall (over 1300 mm per year) place both reserves within the Af climatic region (hot, moist tropical forests) of Köppen (1936).
The Reserve was created in 1980 and is located in the Municipio of Una, ca. 40 km south of the city of Ilhéus, Bahia (15°10'S, 39°03'W). Now comprising 7000 hectares of protected land, the Reserve is irregularly shaped, 15 km long east to west and 8 km wide north to south. The town of Una, from 1965-1973, received an average rainfall of 1918 mm/year (Rocha Filho 1976) and experiences 1-2 dry months per year in which less than 5 percent of the annual precipitation falls (Roeder 1975). The eastern half of the Reserve, nearest the coast, has two principal soil types that support a distinct vegetation type, the restinga forest. While most of this half of the Reserve is primary forest, ca. 700 ha is disturbed. While restinga vegetation is often only shrubby, in the Reserve it is a forest that can be distinguished by the presence of an endemic palm, Attalea funifera Mart. To the west, the restinga forest is replaced by southern Bahian wet forest (rain forest) over laterite. Of this 3500 ha, ca. 1500 ha is degraded land, most of it disturbed forest. Locally, the high variation in these laterites may partly explain the variation we have observed in composition of the vegetation.
The checklist's family sequence is that of The New York Botanical Garden, starting with the ferns and fern allies followed by the monocots and then the dicots. Genera and species are alphabetical within each family. Basically, we have included only identified species, occasionally we have included "sp. nov." when a specialist has confirmed that a collection represents a new species. Some genera are listed followed only by "sp."; this indicates that there is at least one other unidentified species of that genus besides any listed that are already identified to species. We are considering expanding the list to include all the separate "morphospecies" we can distinguish, even if they are currently unidentified.
Each species is represented in the list by one voucher collection, even though there may be other collections of the species; in time, other vouchers will be added to the list. All collections cited are represented at CEPEC and all except unicates at NY. The most frequently cited collectors are abbreviated as follows: André M. Amorim (AA), André M. de Carvalho (AC), Jomar Jardim (JJ), Sergio Sant'Ana (SS), and Wm. Wayt Thomas (WT).
Some species names are highlighted and are linked to images. The images are from photographic slides taken in the field and transferred to a Kodak PhotoCD. The images were then cropped and transferred to the JPG format. All images are high quality with good exposure, color and focus; if the image on your screen is poor, you may have equipment or a web browser that may not be able to maximize the quality of the image. In order to ensure that the images can be viewed without excessive delay, the size of the image file has been kept small. Should you require a more detailed image, write explaining your needs.
The geographic distributions of the species in this list are indicated by the following codes: CF = entire coastal forest of Brazil; CF-N = coastal forest, Bahia and north; CF-S = coastal forest, bahia and south; DJ = Amazonian disjuncts; E = endemic to southern Bahia and northern Esp¡rito Santo; Pan = Pantropical; SA = South America; Unk = distribution unknown.
Bryophyta Leucobryum albicans (Schwaegr.) Lindb. [SA] AA 775 Lycopodiophyta Lycopodium cernuum L. [Pan] AA 1259 Pteridophyta Anemia mandioccana Raddi [CF-S] AA 832 Anemia phyllitidis (L.) Sw. [Pan] AA 1145 Asplenium serratum L. [Pan] WT 9430 Campyloneuron phyllitidis (L.) Presl [Pan] AC 6112 Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) Presl [Pan] AA 1221 Dicranoglossum furcatum J. Smith [SA] AA 1367 Gleichenia remota (Kaulf.) Spreng. [Pan] AA 1135 Grammitis sp. [--] AC 6081 Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. [Pan] AA 855 Lindsaea stricta (Sw.) Dryander [Pan] JJ 97 Lomogramma guianensis (Aubl.) Ching [Pan] AA 1147 Lygodium volubile Sw. [Pan] SS 278 Nephrolepis rivularis (Vahl) Mett. ex Krug [Pan] AC 4243 Polypodium hirsutissimum Raddi [SA] AA 828 Schizaea elegans (Vahl) Sw. [Pan] JJ 555 Schizaea fluminensis Miers ex Sturm. [SA] AA 838 Stigmatopteris guianensis (Kl.) C. Chr. [SA] WT 9433 Thelypteris longifolia (Desv.) Tryon [SA] AA 1215 Trichomanes elegans Rich. [SA] Hage 2375 Trichomanes pinnatum Hedw. [Pan] AA 1198 Trichopteris corcovadensis (Raddi) Copel. [CF-S] AA 1613 Trichopteris praecinta (Kunze) Tryon [E] AA 1155 Vittaria lineata (L.) J. Sm. [Pan] AA 1380 Poaceae Criciuma assymetrica Soderstrom & Londo¤o [E] AC 4372 Ichnanthus bambusiflorus Doell. [CF] AA 780 Ichnanthus drepanophyllus Mez [E] WT 9425 Ichnanthus nemoralis Hitchc. & Chase [Pan] AA 1397 Ichnanthus tenuis Hitchc. & Chase [Pan] SS 287 Merostachys sp. [--] AC 4365 Olyra latifolia L. [Pan] AA 1374 Olyra micrantha Kunth [SA] AA 764 Panicum pilosum Sw. [Pan] AC 4371 Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga [E] AC 4093 Pharus lappulaceus Aubl. [Pan] SS 266 Schizachyrium microstachyum (Desv.) Roseng. [Pan]SS 292 Cyperaceae Becquerelia clarkei T. Koyama [E] WT 9418 Becquerelia cymosa Brogng. [SA]Santos 150 Calyptrocarya fragifera Nees [Pan] AA 1142 Cyperus haspan L. [Pan] SS 277 Cyperus odoratus L. [Pan] AA 1457 Diplacrum capitatum Boeck. [Pan] AA 1139 Eleocharis interstincta R. Br. [Pan] AA 1165 Hypolytrum bullatum C. B. Clarke [E] WT 10318 Rhynchospora cephalotes (L.) Vahl [Pan] SS 353 Rhynchospora comata (Link) Roem. & Schult. [Pan] AA 1096 Rhynchospora exaltata Kunth [Pan] AA 1289 Rhynchospora marisculus Nees [Pan] SS 289 Rhynchospora pubera (Vahl) Boeck. [SA] WT 10305 Rhynchospora rugosa (Vahl) Gale [Pan] WT 10312 Rhynchospora tenuis Link [Pan] WT 10303 Scleria bracteata Cav. [Pan] WT 10324 Scleria secans (L.) Urb. [Pan] WT 10325 Scleria sp. [--] AA 767 Arecaceae Attalea funifera Mart. [CF-N] AA 1160 Bactris bahiensis Noblick [E] SS 367 Bactris hirta Mart. [DJ] AA 1394 Bactris horridispatha Noblick [E] JJ 178 Desmoncus orthacanthus Mart. [Pan] JJ 89 Euterpe edulis Mart. [SA] AC 4519 Geonoma cf. pauciflora Mart. [CF] WT 9438 Geonoma rubescens H. Wendl. ex Drude [CF-S] AA 1119 Syagrus botryophora Mart. [E] AA 1263 Cyclanthaceae Evodianthus funifer Lindm. [Pan] AA 845 Araceae Anthurium bellum Schott [E] JJ 517 Anthurium gladiifolium Schott [E] JJ 525 Anthurium jilekii Schott [CF-S] AA 1366 Anthurium pentaphyllum G. Don [Pan] AA 1085 Anthurium scandens Engl. [Pan] JJ 516 Heteropsis rigidifolia Engl. [CF-S] WT 9447 Monstera adansonii Schott [Pan] JJ 521 Monstera sp. nov. [E] AA 834 Philodendron eximium Schott [E] AA 1200 Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G. Don [Pan] AA 1258 Philodendron insigne Schott [SA] JJ 509 Philodendron longilaminatum Schott [E] SS 364 Philodendron ornatum Schott [SA] AA 1393 Philodendron pedatum Kunth [SA] JJ 515 Philodendron recurvifolium Schott [E] AA 1255 Philodendron rudgeanum Schott [SA] JJ 522 Philodendron scandens C. Koch & Stello [Pan] JJ 518 Philodendron surinamense Engl. [DJ] JJ 514 Philodendron williamsii Hook. f. [E] AA 1337 Rhodospatha oblongata Poepp. & Endl. [SA] JJ 512 Zomicarpa riedelianum Schott [E] JJ 520 Rapateaceae Rapatea paludosa Aubl. [SA] AC 4259 Bromeliaceae Aechmea lamarckei Mez [CF-S] JJ 156 Aechmea lingulata (L.) Baker [SA] AC 4080 Aechmea mollis L.B. Sm. [E] AA 776 Billbergia chlorostica Saunders [E] AA 1280 Billbergia monelii Brongn. [E] JJ 268 Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pavon) Mez [Pan] AC 6113 Cryptanthus beuckeri E. Morren [E?] JJ 206 Cryptanthus sp. [--] JJ 151 Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez [Pan] AA 1444 Hohenbergia belemii L.B. Sm. & Read [E] AA 1163 Hohenbergia ramageana Mez [CF] AA 1257 Lymania alvimii (L.B. Sm. & Read) Read [E] AA 1077 Lymania azurea Leme [E] AA 1203 Lymania smithii Read [E] WT 9439 Nidularium sp. nov. [E] SS 535 Nidularia weberii Pereira & Leme [Unk] JJ 284 Portea cf. petropolitana (Wawra) Mez [CF-S] AA 1201 Rombergia brasiliensis Pereira & Penna [Unk] AC 6082 Streptocalyx currani L.B. Sm. [E] AA 1079 Tillandsia bulbosa Hook. [Pan] AA 1642 Vriesea drepanocarpa (Baker) Miq. [CF-S] AA 777 Vriesea duvaliana E. Morren [CF-S] AA 1083 Vriesea platynema Gaud. [Pan] AA 1395 Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Witt. [Pan] AC 6117 Vriesea psittacina Lindl. [CF-S] AA 1597 Vriesea sp. [--] AA 1407 Commelinaceae Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) Standl. [Pan] JJ 286 Dichorisandra sp. nov.? [E] WT 9445 Herreriaceae Herreria salsaparrilla Mart. [SA] JJ 222 Smilacaceae Smilax sp. [--] JJ 532 Dioscoriaceae Dioscorea sp. [--] AA 1403 Heliconiaceae Heliconia richardiana Miq. [SA] AA 1094 Marantaceae Calathea argyrophylla (Linden ex Koch) Bailey & Raff. [Unk] WT 9449 Calathea brasiliensis Koern. [E] AA 1148 Calathea rotundifolia (Koch.) Koern. [Unk]Pugialli 283 Ctenanthe pilosa (Schauer) Eichler [CF-S] AA 1401 Maranta sp. [--] SS 273 Monotagma grallatum Hagberg ssp. grallatum [E] AA 1654 Saranthe sp. [--] AC 4548 Stromanthe porteana Griseb. [CF-S] AC 4538 Burmanniaceae Gymnosiphon divaricatus (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. [Pan] AA 1640 Orchidaceae Gongora sp. [--] AA 1449 Habenaria pratensis (Lindl.) Reichb. f. [DJ] AA 1643 Koellensteinia altissima Pabst [E] AC 4244 Koellensteinia graminca (Lindl.) Reichb. f. [SA] WT 10296 Maxillaria cf. rufescens Lindl. [SA] AA 1680 Pleurothallis sp. [--] JJ 266 Polystachya sp. [--] AA 1099 Scaphyglottis sp. [--] AC 6080 Stelis sp. [--] WT 10304 Stenorrhynchus sp. [--] JJ 357 Piperaceae Peperomia macrostachya (Vahl) A. Dietr. [Pan] JJ 10 Peperomia magnoliaefolia A. Dietr. [SA] AA 1204 Piper caldense C. DC. [CF-S] AA 1609 Piper ilheusense Yuncker [DJ] AA 1098 Lacistemataceae Lacistema pubescens Mart. [SA] AA 1069 Lacistema robustum Schnizl. [E] AA 1363 Moraceae Ficus insipida Willd. [Pan] AC 6124 Helicostylis tomentosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Rusby [SA] AA 1154 Pourouma mollis Tr‚cul [SA]Lopes 515 Pourouma velutina Miq. [SA] AA 840 Sorocea hilarii Gaudich. [DJ] AA 1454 Proteaceae Adenostephanus sp. [--] AA 1405 Loranthaceae Ixocactus clandestinus (Mart.) Kuijt [SA] WT 10321 Phoradendron acinacifolium Eichler [Pan] AC 4547 Phoradendron crassifolium (DC.) Eichler [Pan] AC 4314 Phthirusa sp. [--] AC 4526 Psittacanthus dichrous (Mart.) Eichler [CF] AC 4523 Struthanthus sp. [--] JJ 123 Olacaceae Aptandra tubicina (Poepp.) Benth. ex Miers [SA]Hage 2377 Dulacia papillosa (Rangel) Sleumer [E] JJ 115 Heisteria raddiana Benth. [CF-S] AA 1404 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia brasiliensis Mart. & Zucc. [Unk] AA 1590 Polygonaceae Coccoloba confusa Haw. [DJ]Hage 2370 Coccoloba ochreolata Wedd. [DJ] AA 1296 Coccoloba parimensis Benth. [SA] AA 1557 Coccoloba sp. [--] AA 1296 Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. [SA] AA 1646 Nyctaginaceae Guapira cf. laxifolia (Choisy) Lundell [E] AA 1621 Guapira cf. nitida (Mart.) Lundell [CF-S] WT 9444 Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz [CF-S] WT 9409 Guapira sp. [--] AA 1358 Neea floribunda Poepp. & Endl. [Unk] Santos 153 Neea hirsuta Poepp. & Endl. [Unk] AC 4434 Neea macrophylla Poepp. & Endl. [Unk] Hage 2368 Neea madeirana Standl. [Unk] AA 1657 Neea verticillata Ruiz & Pav. [SA] AA 1624 Ranunculaceae Clematis dioica var. brasiliana (DC.) Eichler [Pan] JJ 5374 Menispermaceae Chondrodendron microphyllum (Eichler) Moldenke [E] AA 1426 Orthomene schomburgkii (Miers) Barneby & Krukoff [SA] AA 762 Annonaceae Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandwith [Unk] AA 1396 Duguetia bracteosa Mart. [E] AA 856 Guatteria oligocarpa Mart. [E] AA 1220 Guatteria sp. [--] JJ 1570 Hornschuchia bryotrophe Nees [CF-S] JJ 262 Hornschuchia obliqua Maas & van Setten [E] AA 794 Hornschuchia polyantha Maas [Unk] AA 827 Pseudoxandra bahiensis Maas [E] AA 1193 Rollinia bahiensis Maas & Westra [E] JJ 211 Unonopsis sp. [--] AC 4542 Xylopia involucrata M.C. Dias [Unk] AA 1583 Myristicaceae Virola gardneri (DC.) Warb. [CF] AA 1341 Virola officinalis Warb. [E] SS 282 Monimiaceae Siparuna guianensis Aubl. [SA] AA 1455 Lauraceae Aniba intermedia (Meisn.) Mez [E] AC 4249 Cryptocarya sp. [--] Hage 2362 Licaria sp. nov. [E] WT 10299 Licaria sp. [--] Hage 2362 Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez [DJ] JJ 220 Ocotea nitida (Meisn.) Rohwer vel aff. [SA] JJ 176 Ocotea sp. [--] JJ 260 Rhodostemonodaphne sp. nov. [E] Hage 2357 Chrysobalanaceae Chrysobalanus icaco L. [Pan] WT 9415 Hirtella angustifolia Schott ex Spreng. [CF-S] AA 848 Hirtella bicornis Mart. & Zucc. [SA] AA 1588 Licania cf. disccolor Pilg. [SA] SS 285 Licania hoehnei Pilg. [CF-S] AA 1281 Licania lamentanda Prance [E] WT 10311 Licania littoralis Warm. [CF] AC 4308 Parinari alvimii Prance [E] JJ 274 Parinari leontopitheci Prance [E] AA 1261 Parinari littoralis Prance [E] JJ 533 Connaraceae Connarus portosegurensis Forero [E] AA 1086 Mimosaceae Abarema filamentosa (Benth.) Barneby & Grimes [CF] AA 1630 Affonsea densiflora Benth. [E] JJ 267 Balizia pedicellaris (DC.) Barneby & Grimes [DJ] AA 1361 Calliandra bella Benth. [E] AC 4258 Inga bourgoni (Aubl.) DC. [SA] AA 1578 Inga capitata Desv. [SA] AA 1117 Inga thibaudiana DC. [Pan] AA 1245 Inga subnuda Salzm. [Unk] AC 4525 Inga unica Barneby & Grimes [E] JJ 108 Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze [CF-S] WT 10328 Mimosa pudica var. tetrandra (Willd.) DC. [Pan] AA 1253 Pseudopiptadenia contorta (DC.) Lewis & Lima [CF-S] AC 4309 Caesalpiniaceae Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbr. [Pan] SS 361 Arapatiella emarginata Cowan [E] AA 1402 Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) Cowan [E] AA 1387 Chamaecrista duartei (Irwin) Irwin & Barneby [E] AA 1290 Chamaecrista ensiformis (Vell.) Irwin & Barneby [CF] AA 1606 Dialium guianense Benth. [Pan] AA 1244 Macrolobium rigidum Cowan [E] JJ 290 Melanoxylon brauna Allemao [Unk] AA 1356 Moldenhawera cuprea Pohl [Unk] AA 1149 Moldenhawera sp. [--] AC 4431 Myrocarpus fastigiatus Allemao [Unk] JJ 257 Myrocarpus frondosus Allemao [CF-S] JJ 218 Peltogyne chrysopis Barneby [E] AC 4306 Sclerolobium densiflorum Benth. [E] AC 4095 Senna affinis (Benth.) Irwin & Barneby [CF-S] AC 4433 Senna multijuga var. lindleyana (Gardner) Irwin & Barneby [CF-S] AC 4430 Senna silvestris (Vell.) var. sapindifolius (Vog.) Irwin & Barneby [E] AA 1167 Zollernia modesta Carvalho & Barneby [E] JJ 293 Fabaceae Andira marauensis N. Mattos [E] AA 1238 Andira sp. [--] AA 1411 Bowdichia virgilioides Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth [Pan] AA 1351 Dalbergia frutescens (Vell.) Britt. [SA] JJ 124 Desmodium axillare DC. [Pan] AA 1108 Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff [DJ] JJ 120 Harleyodendron unifoliolatum R. Cowan [E] AA 1254 Swartzia flaemingii Raddi [CF] JJ 235 Swartzia macrostachya Benth. [CF-S] AC 4031 Swartzia peremarginata Cowan [E] AA 1626 Swartzia simplex Spreng. var. ochnacea (DC.) Cowan [Pan] AA 1384 Vatareiopsis araroba (Aguiar) Ducke [E] AA 1376 Zornia gemella (Willd.) Vog. [Pan] JJ 360 Oxalidaceae Oxalis alvimii Lourteig [E] WT 9850 Humiriaceae Humiria balsamifera var. minarum Cuatrec. [CF-S] AA 1414 Humiriastrum spiritu-sancti Cuatrec. [Pan] AA 1391 Sacoglottis sp. [--] AA 852 Schistostemon retusum (Ducke) Cuatrec. [DJ] AA 1563 Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum mattos-silvae Plowman [E] AC 4535 Erythroxylum nobile Schultz [E] AA 1218 Erythroxylum martii Peyr. [Unk] AA 1603 Rutaceae Angostura pentagyna (A. St. Hil.) Albuq. [SA] AA 846 Conchocarpus sp. nov. (A. St.-Hil.) Kallunki & Pirani, ined. [SA] WT 9420 Dictyloma vandellianum Adr. Juss. [CF-S] AA 1235 Esenbeckia grandiflora Mart. [Pan] AA 1365 Hortia arborea Engl. [CF-S] AA 1332 Pilocarpus pauciflorus St. Hil. [CF-S] AA 1412 Pilocarpus riedelianus Engl. [CF-N] AC 4533 Rauia "gigantea" sp. nov. [E] WT 10308 Rauia sp. nov. 1 [E] JJ 191 Rauia sp. nov. 2 [E] AA 1604 Zanthoxylum nemorale Mart. [E] AC 4516 Simaroubaceae Simaba cedron Planch. [Pan] AA 1240 Simarouba amara Aubl. [Pan] AC 6120 Picramniaceae Picramnia ciliata Mart. [CF-S] AC 4284 Picramnia gardneri Planch. subsp. gardneri [CF-S] JJ 152 Burseraceae Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand [SA] AC 4554 Protium (sect. Icicopsis) sp. nov. [E] AA 1419 Protium sp. nov. [E] AA 763 Meliaceae Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer [Pan] AA 1279 Guarea sp. nov. ? [E] SS 360 Trichilia lepidota Mart. subsp. lepidota [E] AA 1151 Malpighiaceae Banisteriopsis membranifolia (Adr. Juss.) B. Gates [CF-S] AA 1270 Byrsonima alvimii W.R. Anderson [E] AA 1262 Byrsonima oblanceolata Nied. [CF-S] AA 1568 Byrsonima sericea DC. [CF] AA 1579 Byrsonima stipulacea Adr. Juss. [SA] AA 1601 Heteropterys anomala Adr. Juss. [SA] AA 1398 Heteropterys coleoptera Adr. Juss. [CF-S] AA 1441 Heteropterys rubiginosa Adr. Juss., vel. aff. [DJ] AA 1372 Stigmaphyllon acuminatum Adr. Juss. [Unk] AA 1278 Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. Anderson [CF-N] WT 9442 Stigmaphyllon macropodum Adr. Juss. [E] AA 1650 Stigmaphyllon salzmannii Adr. Juss. [E?] WT 9424 Tetrapterys acutifolia Cav. [SA] AA 1574 Tetrapterys mucronata Cav. [SA] AA 1340 Tetrapterys phlomoides (Spreng.) Nied. [CF-S] AA 1246 Trigoniaceae Trigonia nivea Camb. [SA] AA 1334 Trigonia rytidocarpa Casar. [CF-S] AA 1632 Polygalaceae Bredemeyera kunthiana (A. St.-Hil. & Moq.) Kl. ex Benn. [CF-S] JJ 113 Polygala cyparissias A. St.-Hil. [CF] JJ 29 Polygala sp. [--] AA 1065 Securidaca cf. leiocarpa Blake [Unk] AA 754 Euphorbiaceae Actinostemon klotzschii (Didr.) Pasc. [CF-S] AC 4296 Actinostemon sp. [--] AC 4256 Adenophaedra megalophylla (Muell. Arg.) Muell. Arg. [SA] AA 1209 Aparisthmium cordatum (Adr. Juss.) Baill. [SA] AC 4087 Bernardia scabra Muell. Arg. [E] AA 1153 Mabea glaziovii Pax & K. Hoffm. [CF-S] AA 1612 Mabea piriri Aubl. [SA] WT 9414 Ophthalmoblapton pedunculare Muell. Arg. [CF-S] AA 1451 Pausandra morisiana (Casar.) Radlk. [CF-S] AA 1389 Pera glabrata (Schott) Baill. [Pan] AA 1618 Pera heteranthera (Schrank) I. M. Johnst. [E] WT 10291 Sebastiania gaudichaudii Muell. Arg. [E] WT 9412 Sebastiania hispida (Mart.) Pax [Unk] AA 756 Anacardiaceae Tapirira guianensis Aubl. [Pan] AC 4520 Thyrsodium spruceanum Benth. [DJ] AA 1222 Aquifoliaceae Ilex theezans Mart. var. acrodonta (Reiss.) Loes. [--] AA 1225 Hippocrateaceae Tontelea attenuata Miers [DJ] JJ 180 Tontelea sp. [--] AA 1416 Icacinaceae Discophora guianensis Miers [Pan] AA 1067 Emmotum nitens (Benth.) Miers [SA] Hage 2363 Leretia cordata Vell. [SA] JJ 282 Sapindaceae Cupania bracteosa Radlk. [E] JJ 14 Cupania crassifolia Radlk. vel aff. [CF-S] AA 1355 Cupania cf. racemosa (Vell.) Radlk. [Unk] AA 1283 Matayba cf. guianensis Aubl. [SA] WT 10316 Paullinia racemosa Wawra [CF-S] AA 1653 Paullinia weinmanniaefolia Mart. [SA] AC 4517 Serjania scopulifera Radlk. [E?] JJ 221 Talisia elephantipes Sandw. [SA] AA 1103 Talisia sp. [--] AA 1305 Thinouia sp. [--] SS 291 Vitaceae Cissus trigona Willd. ex Roem. [DJ] JJ 530 Elaeocarpaceae Sloanea alnifolia Mart. [CF-S]Hage 2359 Sloanea garckeana K. Schum., s.l. [SA] WT 9437 Tiliaceae Apeiba albiflora Ducke [SA] AC 4514 Triumfetta althaeoides Lam. [Unk] AC 6086 Malvaceae Pavonia cancellata (L.) Cav. [SA] AC 4531 Sida linifolia Cav. [Pan] JJ 538 Bombacaceae Eriotheca obcordata Robyns [E] JJ 202 Dilleniaceae Davilla flexuosa A. St. Hil. [Unk] SS 572 Davilla cf. grandifolia Moric. & Eichler [SA] AC 4255 Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil. [Pan] AA 1399 Davilla macrocarpa Eichler [E?] AA 1450 Davilla sp. [--] AA 1385 Ochnaceae Elvasia tricarpellata Sastre [Unk] AA 1564 Ouratea decipiens Van Tieghem [Unk] AA 1228 Ouratea sp. [--] AA 1233 Sauvagesia erecta L. [Pan] AA 1166 Caryocaraceae Anthodiscus amazonicus Gleason & A.C. Sm. [DJ] AA 1241 Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia cf. picta Willd. [Unk] AA 1250 Clusiaceae Kielmeyera neglecta Saddi var. neglecta [E] SS 284 Tovomita brasiliensis (Mart.) Walp. [SA] SS 276 Tovomita choisyana Planch. & Triana [SA] AA 1136 Tovomita mangle G. Mariz [Unk] AC 4098 Vismia ferruginea Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth [SA] AA 1090 Vismia latifolia Choisy [SA] AA 1381 Vismia mangle G. Mariz [--] AC 4098 Violaceae Paypayrola blanchetiana Tul. [E] AA 1074 Rinorea bahiensis (Moric.) Kuntze [SA] AC 4310 Flacourtiaceae Carpotroche brasiliensis (Raddi) A. Gray [E] JJ 99 Casearia commersoniana Camb. [Pan] AA 1348 Casearia javitensis Kunth [SA] AA 793 Casearia sp. [--] AC 4245 Passifloraceae Passiflora alata Dryander [Unk] AA 1649 Passiflora haematostigma Mast. ex Mart. [CF-S] AA 1566 Passiflora sp. [--] AA 1195 Tetrastylis ovalis (Vell.) Killip [E] AA 1282 Caricaceae Jacaratia heptaphylla (Vell.) DC. [CF-S] AA 1607 Thymelaeaceae Daphnopsis cf. coriacea Taub. [Unk] AC 4436 Daphnopsis sanctae-teresae Nevling [SA] AC 4534 Lythraceae Cuphea antisyphilitica Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth [SA] JJ 7 Cuphea sessilifolia Mart. [DJ] AA 1127 Cuphea sp. [--] SS 290 Lecythidaceae Eschweilera alvimii Mori [E] AA 1600 Eschweilera complanata Mori [Unk] Hage 2355 Eschweilera ovata (Cambess.) Miers [SA] SS 286 Myrtaceae Gomidesia martiana Berg [E] AC 4248 Marlierea obversa Legrand [E?] JJ 214 Marlierea verticillaris Berg [E?] AA 1334 Myrcia alagoensis Berg [CF-N] AA 1162 Myrcia fallax (Rich.) DC. [SA] AA 1576 Myrcia insularis Gardner [SA] JJ 215 Myrcia obtecta (Berg) Kiaersk. [SA] JJ 147 Neomitranthes sp. [--] AA 1429 Plinia sp. [--] SS 365 Melastomataceae Aciotis acutiflora (Mart.) Triana [SA] AA 1375 Aciotis cf. paludosa (DC.) Triana [SA] AA 1141 Bertolonia carmoi Baumgratz [E] AA 1593 Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl.) Don [Pan] SS 349 Henriettea succosa (Aubl.) DC. [Pan] AA 758 Leandra cf. lancifolia Cogn. [CF-S] AA 1197 Leandra rhamnifolia (Naud.) Cogn. [Unk] AA 1608 Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn. [SA] JJ 110 Miconia centrodesma Naud. [Unk] JJ 554 Miconia cf. octopetala Cogn. [E] AA 1272 Miconia chartacea Triana [SA] AA 1423 Miconia lurida Cogn. [CF-S] JJ 93 Miconia nervosa Triana [SA] AA 1152 Miconia pileata DC. [Unk] AA 1068 Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. [SA] AC 4521 Miconia rimalis Naud. [E] AC 4084 Miconia ruficalyx Gleason [DJ] SS 537 Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naud. [SA] SS 274 Tibouchina elegans (Gardn.) Cogn. [E] JJ 2 Araliaceae Didymopanax morototoni (Aubl.) Decne. & Planch. [Pan] WT 9440 Sapotaceae Chrysophyllum splendens Spreng. [CF-N] AA 1126 Ecclinusa ramiflora Mart. [SA] JJ 18 Manilkara maxima Pennington [E] JJ 4 Micropholis venulosa (Mart. & Eichler) Pierre [Pan] JJ 146 Micropholis gardneriana (A. DC.) Pierre [SA] AC 4295 Micropholis sp. nov. [E] JJ 227 Pouteria bilocularis (Winkler) Baehni [DJ] SS 362 Pouteria reticulata (Engl.) Eyma [Pan] AC 4313 Pouteria sp. [--] JJ 103 Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. [SA] AA 1413 Pradosia bahiensis Teixeira [E] JJ 92 Pradosia lactescens (Vell.) Radlk. [CF] AC 4543 Sprucella crassipedicellata (Mart. & Endl.) Pires [Unk] Hage 2367 Ebenaceae Diospyros miltonii Cavalc. [E] AA 850 Diospyros sp. [--] AA 1598 Styracaceae Styrax glabratus Schott [SA] AA 1409 Loganiaceae Spigelia laurina Cham. & Schl. [CF-S] AA 843 Strychnos bahiensis Krukoff & Barneby [E] AA 1445 Gentianaceae Voyria flavescens Griseb. [Pan] AA 1639 Voyria obconica Progel [CF-S] AA 798 Apocynaceae Anartia olivacea (Muell. Arg.) Marcgr. [DJ] AA 144 Aspidosperma oblongum DC. [SA] AA 1541 Forsteronia sp. [--] JJ 2 Himatanthus phagedanicus (Mart.) Woodson [Unk] WT 9436 Lacmellea aculeata (Ducke) Monach. [SA] AA 1229 Macoubea sprucei (Muell. Arg.) Marcgr. [DJ] WT 10320 Malouetia cestroides (Nees & Mart.) Muell. Arg. [Unk] AA 1437 Mandevilla funiformis (Vell.) K. Schum. [Unk] WT 9852 Rauvolfia bahiensis A. DC. [E] AA 1602 Tabernaemontana flavicans Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. [DJ] WT 9428 Asclepiadaceae Ditassa arianeae Font. [Unk] SS 560 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea sp. [--] AA 1577 Jacquemontia sp. [--] JJ 289 Boraginaceae Cordia bicolor A. DC. [Pan] SS 540 Cordia magnoliaefolia Cham. [DJ] AA 1161 Cordia nodosa Lam. [SA] AA 1194 Cordia sagotii Johnston [SA] AA 772 Cordia trachyphylla Mart. [DJ] AA 1248 Cordia trichoclada DC. [CF-S] AA 1364 Cordia sp. [--] AC 4544 Tournefortia gardneri A. DC. [CF] AA 1446 Tournefortia sp. [--] AC 4094 Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl [Pan] SS 288 Lamiaceae Hyptis atrorubens Poit. [Pan] AA 1378 Solanaceae Athenaea lucida (Moric.) Sandw. [Unk] AA 1610 Cestrum salzmannii Dunal [E] AA 1274 Solanum polytrichum Moric. [E] AA 1092 Solanum rupincola Sendtn. [E] AA 1088 Solanum swartzianum Roem. & Schult. [DJ] AA 1159 Solanum thomasiaefolium Sendtn. [Unk] JJ 283 Scrophulariaceae Torenia thouarsii (Cham. & Schl.) Kuntze [Unk] AA 1453 Lentibulariaceae Utricularia subulata L. [Pan] JJ 28 Gesneriaceae Codonanthe uleane Fritsch [SA] AA 1260 Nematanthus corticola Schrad. [E] WT 9432 Bignoniaceae Adenocalymma cymbalum (Cham.) Burm. & Schum. [CF] AA 1234 Adenocalymma sp. [--] AA 1256 Arrabidaea conjugata (Vell.) Mart. [Pan] AA 1252 Arrabidaea rego (Vell.) DC. [CF-S] AA 1237 Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nichols [SA] AA 1459 Tabebuia stenocalyx Sprague & Stapf [SA] JJ 361 Acanthaceae Aphelandra blanchetiana (Nees) Hook. [CF-S] AA 1157 Geissomeria nitida Nees [CF-S] JJ 210 Justicia congrua (Nees) Lindau [E] WT 9435 Justicia symphyantha (Nees) Lindau [E] WT 9429 Justicia sp. [--] SS 267 Ruellia affinis (Nees) Lindau [--] [E] AA 1105 Ruellia glabra (Mart.) Lindau [Unk] AC 6111 Mendonciaceae Mendoncia bahiensis Profice [E] AC 4552 Mendoncia sp. [--] AA 1216 Rubiaceae Alibertia concolor (Cham.) Schum. [DJ] AA 1082 Amaioua intermedia var. brasiliana (Rich.) Steyerm. [SA] AA 1346 Borreria cymosa Cham. & Schl. [CF-S] JJ 216 Borreria sp. [--] AA 1286 Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. [Pan] AA 1131 Chomelia sp. [--] AA 1456 Coccocypselum aureum (Spreng.) Cham. & Schl [Pan] AA 1226 Coccocypselum canescens Willd. [Unk] AA 790 Coussarea bahiensis Muell. Arg. [CF-N] AA 1333 Coussarea gracilifolia (Mart.) Hook. ex Charm [Unk] AC 6076 Coussarea cf. racemosa A. Rich. [DJ] AA 792 Coussarea sp. [--] AC 4081 Declieuxia tenuiflora (Willd. ex Roem. & Pav.) Steyerm. & J.H. Kirkbr. [DJ] JJ 264 Emmeorhiza umbellata (Spreng.) K. Schum. [SA] AC 4251 Faramea sessilifolia (HBK) DC. [SA] AA 839 Faramea cf. martiana Muell Arg. [DJ] AA 1109 Hillia parasitica Jacq. [Unk] AA 1442 Ixora grandiflora Muell. Arg. [Unk] Hage 2354 Machaonia acuminata H.B.K. [Unk] Santos 183 Malanea macrophylla Bartl. ex Griseb. [DJ] AA 1130 Malanea sp. [--] AA 1095 Palicourea guianensis Aubl. [Pan] JJ 17 Posoqueria sp. [--] AC 4096 Psychotria astrellantha Wernham [DJ] AA 1562 Psychotria erecta (Aubl.) Standl. & Steyerm. [Pan] AA 851 Psychotria hancorniifolia Benth. [CF-S] AA 1211 Psychotria jambosioides Sch. ex Charm. [E] AC 4088 Psychotria mapourioides DC. [Pan] AA 1338 Psychotria platypoda DC. [SA] AA 1116 Psychotria purpurascens Muell. Arg. [CF-S] JJ 208 Randia armata (Sw.) DC. [Pan] AA 769 Salzmannia nitida DC. [CF-N] AA 1421 Schradera polycephala DC. [SA] AA 1212 Sipanea biflora (L. f.) Cham. & Schl. [SA] AA 1156 Stachyarrhena harleyi Kirkbr. [E] AA 791 Cucurbitaceae Cayaponia trifoliolata (Cogn.) Cogn. [CF-S] JJ 19 Cayaponia sp. 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