C. Daly
I specialize in the systematics of the Burseraceae -- the Frankincense family
-- and in the vegetation of the Amazon. Both in diversity and in abundance, the
Burseraceae comprise an important element of many of the world's lowland tropical
forests, notably in southwestern Mexico, the Malesian area, and Amazonia, and
can serve as a useful tool for phytogeographic studies in the primary forests
of these regions. This resiniferous tree family usually figures prominently in
the ethnobotany of the regions where it occurs. The leaves of some species are
used to make medicinal teas and baths, and the resins are used for illumination,
for caulking canoes, as an incense in rituals, and as medicines (either as a fumatory
or in a drinkable form), usually for pulmonary disorders. The fruits of the Burseraceae
are dispersed by birds and primates; those of Dacryodes are a critical
food source for the oilbirds of Trinidad and northern Venezuela, and those of
the related genus Canarium are important to the diet of the lemurs of Madagascar.
I feel it is important to emphasize and expand the role of systematics
in the protection of tropical forests and peoples, in the discovery of
new medicines and other products, and in defending the value of tropical
forests as sustainable resources. My three principal projects reflect this
orientation. First, I try to use the data from my taxonomic work to help
protect zones of high endemism and high diversity. Second, I am coordinating
NYBG's contract with the
Cancer Institute to collect and identify samples of neotropical plants
in a search for new anti-cancer and anti-AIDS drugs. Finally, the goal
of my program of floristic, economic botany, and ecological research on
the extractive reserves in Acre, Brazil is to help those who live on the
reserves to make a decent and sustainable living from the forest.
- B.A. Krukoff Curator of Amazonian Botany, Institute of Systematic Botany.
Born 1953.
Ph.D. City University of New York (1987).
Graduate Fellow, The New York Botanical Garden (1979-1986); B.A. Krukoff
Assistant Curator of Amazonian Botany (1987-1992); Associate Curator (1992-
Co-Principal Investigator, National
Cancer Institute Plant Collections Program, Latin America (1987- ).
Charles A. Lindbergh Fund Lindbergh-Guggenheim Award, Biomedical Sciences
(1989); Metropolitan Life Fellow (1989-1992);General Motors Cancer Research
Foundation Journalism Award (1993).
Memberships in American Society of Plant Taxonomists (1986- ); Sociedade
Brasileira de Botanica (1989- ); American Institute of Biological Sciences
(1992- ).
Visiting Research Associate Professor, New York University (1995- )
Email Address:
Selected Publications
- Daly, D.C. and G.T. Prance. 1989. "Brazilian Amazon." In: D.G. Campbell
& H.D. Hammond, eds. Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries.
New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. p. 401-426.
- Daly, D.C. 1989. "Studies in neotropical Burseraceae II. Generic limits
in neotropical Protieae and Canarieae." Brittonia 41:17-27.
- Balée, W. and D.C. Daly. 1989. "Ka'apor resin classification." Advances
in Economic Botany 8:24-34.
- Daly, D.C. 1990. "Extractive reserves: a new great hope." Garden J.
14(6):14-15, 17-18, 20-21, 32.
- Daly, D.C. 1992. "The National Cancer Institute Plant Collections program:
Update and implications for tropical forests." In: M. Plotkin and L.
Famolare, eds. Sustainable Harvest and Marketing of Rain Forest Products.
Island Press, Washington, DC. p. 224-230.