Scott A. Mori

Nathanial Lord Britton Curator of Botany
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, New York 10458-5126

All Publications


Anderson, R. C. & S. A. Mori. 1967. A preliminary investigation of Raphia swamps, Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Turrialba 17: 221-224.


Mori, S. A. 1970. The ecology and uses of the species of Lecythis in Central America. Turrialba 20: 344-350.

Mori, S. A. 1970. A new species of Lecythis from Panama. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 57: 386-388.

Mori, S. A. & S. A. Nichols. 1970. The submerged and floating vascular plants of Lake Wingra. The University of Wisconsin Arboretum News 19: 1-12.


Nichols, S. A. & S. A. Mori. 1971. The littoral macrophyte vegetation of Lake Wingra. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 59: 107-119.


Croat, T. & S. A. Mori. 1974. A new species of Gustavia from Panama and Colombia. Brittonia 26: 22-26.


Mori, S. A. 1975. Priority of Lecythis ampla Miers over L. costaricensis Pittier. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 62: 512.

Mori, S. A. & H. Garcia-Barriga. 1975. A new species of Gustavia endemic to the Magdalena Valley of Colombia. Caldasia 11: 51-53.


Mori, S. A. 1976. New species of Gustavia (Lecythidaceae) from Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. Brittonia 28: 289-297.

Mori, S. A. & J. A. Kallunki. 1976. Phenology and floral biology of Gustavia superba (Lecythidaceae) in central Panama. Biotropica 8: 143-165.


Kowal, R., S. A. Mori & J. A. Kallunki. 1977. Chromosome counts of Panamanian Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 29: 399-410.

Mori, S. A. 1977. Gustavia dodsonii (Lecythidaceae), a new species from Río Palenque, Ecuador. Selbyana 2: 37-38.

Mori, S. A. & J. A. Kallunki. 1977. A revision of the genus Phyllonoma (Grossulariaceae). Brittonia 29: 69-84.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1977. What is Lecythis? Taxon 26: 209-222.


Hill, R. J., G. T. Prance, S. A. Mori, W. C. Steward, D. Shimabukuru & J. Bernardi. 1978. Estudo eletroforético da dinâmica de variação genética em três taxa ribeirinhos ao longo do rio Solimões, América do Sul. Acta Amazonica 8: 183-199.

Mori, S. A. 1978. A new species of Gustavia (Lecythidaceae) from Panama. Brittonia 30: 340-341.

Mori, S. A., G. T. Prance & A. B. Bolten. 1978. Additional notes on the floral biology of Neotropical Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 30: 113-341.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1978. Observations on the fruit and seeds of Neotropical Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 30: 21-33.


Mori, S. A. & L. A. Mattos-Silva. 1979. Flora da região cacaueira da Bahia - plano geral para sua elaboração. Anais Soc. Bot. Brasil 30: 102-104.

Mori, S. A. & L. A. Mattos-Silva. 1979. The herbarium of the "Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau" at Itabuna, Brazil. Brittonia 31: 177-196.

Mori, S. A. & L. A. Mattos-Silva. 1979. O herbário do Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Ciencia e Cultura 31: 808-809.

Mori, S. A. & J. E. Orchard. 1979. Fenologia, biologia floral e evidência sobre dimorfismo fisiológico do pólen de Lecythis pisonis Cambess. (Lecythidaceae). Anais Soc. Bot. Brasil 30: 109-116.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1979. Lecythidaceae - Part I. The actinomorphic-flowered New World Lecythidaceae (Asteranthos, Gustavia, Grias, Allantoma, & Cariniana). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 21: 1-270.


Mori, S. A. & L. A. Mattos-Silva. 1980. O herbário do Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau em Itabuna, Brasil. Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Boletim Ténico 78: 1-31.

Mori, S. A., L. A. Mattos-Silva & T. S. dos Santos. 1980. Observações sobre a fenologia e biologia floral de Lecythis pisonis Cambess. (Lecythidaceae). Revista Theobroma 10: 103-111.

Mori, S. A., L. A. Mattos-Silva, G. Lisboa, R. C. Pereira & T. S. dos Santos. 1980. Subsídios para estudos de plantas invasoras da Bahia I. Produtividade e fenologia. Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira Boletim Técnico 73: 1-18.

Mori, S. A., J. E. Orchard & G. T. Prance. 1980. Intrafloral pollen differentiation in the New World Lecythidaceae, subfamily Lecythidoideae. Science 209: 400-403.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1980. Anthodiscus (Caryocaraceae), um gênero disjunto entre a Amazônia e o leste do Brasil. Revta. Brasil. Bot. 3: 63-65.


Balslev, H. & S. A. Mori. 1981. Qualea amapaensis (Vochysiaceae), a new phytogeographically interesting species from Brazil. Brittonia 33: 5-8.

Mattos-Silva, L. A. & S. A. Mori. 1981. Os tipos do herbário Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Boletim Técnico 89: 1-72.

Mori, S. A. 1981. International bibliography of vegetation maps - Book Review. Brittonia 33: 69.

Mori, S. A.1981. Jungles - Book Review. Garden, July/August. Pp. 26-27.

Mori, S. A.1981. New species and combinations in Neotropical Lecythidaceae. Brittonia 33: 357-370.

Mori, S. A.1981. New species of Eschweilera (Lecythidaceae) from southern Brazil. Brittonia 33: 466-472.

Mori, S. A., B. M. Boom & G. T. Prance. 1981. Distribution patterns and conservation of eastern Brazilian coastal forest tree species. Brittonia 33: 357-370.

Mori, S. A. & L. B. Holm-Nielsen. 1981. Recommendations for botanists visiting Neotropical countries. Taxon 30: 87-89.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1981. Relações entre a classsificação genérica de Lecythidaceae do Novo Mundo e seus plinizadores e dispersadores. Revta. Brasil. Bot. 4: 31-37.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance.1981. The "Sapucaia" group of Lecythis (Lecythidaceae). Brittonia 33: 70-80.


Boom, B. M. & S. A. Mori. 1982. Falsification of two hypotheses on liana exclusion from tropical trees possessing buttresses and smooth bark. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 109: 447-450.

Mori, S. A., G. Lisboa & J. A. Kallunki. 1982. Fenologia de uma mata higrófila sul-baiana. Revista Theobroma 12: 217-230.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1982. In memoriam - Dardano de Andrade-Lima (1919-1981). Brittonia 34: 351-354.

Rogerson, C. T., J. L. Luteyn & S. A. Mori. 1982. The preparation of manuscript for Flora Neotropica: adherence to the guidelines. Taxon 31: 129-132.


Mori, S. A. 1983. The biology of nectaries - Book Review. Brittonia 35: 186-187.

Mori, S. A., B. M. Boom, A. M. de Carvalho & T. S. dos Santos. 1983. Ecological importance of Myrtaceae in an eastern Brazilian wet forest. Biotropica 15: 68-70.

Mori, S. A., B. M. Boom, A. M. de Carvalho & T. S. dos Santos.1983. Southern Bahian moist forests. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 49: 155-232.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1983. Lecitidáceas: família da castanha-do-Pará. Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Boletim Técnico 116: 1-35.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1983. Dispersal and distribution of Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae. Sonderbd. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg 7: 163-186.


Miller, R. B. & S. A. Mori. 1984. Bohumil Francis Kukachka (1915-1983). Brittonia 36: 458-462.

Mori, S. A. 1984. Atlas de biologie végétal 2. Organization des plantes á fleurs - Book Review. Brittonia 36: 160.

Mori, S. A.1984. Use of "Swiss Tree Grippers" for making botanical collections of tropical trees. Biotropica 16: 79-80.

Mori, S. A. & J. J. Pipoly. 1984. Observations on the big bang flowering of Miconia minutiflora (Melastomataceae). Brittonia 36: 337-341.


Mori, S. A., L. A. Mattos-Silva, G. Lisboa & L. Coradin. 1985. Manual de manejo do herbário fanerogâmico. Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Rodovia Ilhéus-Itabuna, km 22, Ilhéus, Bahia. 97 pp.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1985. Disrupting the web of life. United Nations University Work in Progress 9: 6.

Wendt, T., S. A. Mori & G. T. Prance. 1985. Eschweilera mexicana (Lecythidaceae): a new family for the flora of Mexico. Brittonia 37: 347-351.


Mori, S. A. 1986. Biology - Book Review. Brittonia 38: 229.

Mori, S. A.1986. The botany and natural history of Panama - Book Review. Brittonia 38: 93-94.

Mori, S. A.1986. XIV. The Lecythidaceae of la Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Flora of the Guianas Newsletter 3


de Zeeuw, C. & S. A. Mori. 1987. Chapter IX. Wood anatomy. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 100-112.

Mitchell, J. D. & S. A. Mori. 1987. The cashew and its relatives (Anacardium: Anacardiaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 42: 1-76.

Mitchell, J. D. & S. A. Mori.1987. Chapter X. Ecology. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 113-123.

Mori, S. A. 1987. Chapter I. Introduction. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 3-8.

Mori, S. A.1987. Chapter III. New taxa. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 30-34.

Mori, S. A.1987. Chapter IV. Species. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 35-43.

Mori, S. A.1987. Chapter XIV. Checklist of seed plants (excepting Lecythidaceae) and their vouchers. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 164-174.

Mori, S. A.1987. Eschweilera costaricensis (Lecythidaceae): a new species for the floras of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 455-456.

Mori, S. A.1987. Insects and the plant surface - Book Review. Brittonia 39: 440.

Mori, S. A.1987. Plant breeding systems - Book Review. Brittonia 39: 142-143.

Mori, S. A. 1987. Tropical rain forests and the world atmosphere - Book Review. Brittonia 39: 309-310.

Mori, S. A. & D. Black. 1987. Chapter VII. Stem and leaf anatomy. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 72-85.

Mori, S. A., D. Black & C. de Zeeuw. 1987. Chapter VIII. Habit and bark. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 86-99.

Mori, S. A. & J. D. Boeke. 1987. Chapter XII. Pollination. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 137-155.

Mori, S. A.& B. M. Boom. 1987. Chapter II. The forest. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 9-29.

Mori, S. A.& B. M. Boom.1987. Chapter V. Location. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 44-54.

Mori, S. A. & F. Castaño-Ferreira. 1987. A distinguished Brazilian botanist, João Barbosa Rodrigues (1842-1909). Brittonia 39: 73-85.

Mori, S. A. & Collaborators. 1987. The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 1-190.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1987. Chapter VI. Phytogeography. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 55-71.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance.1987. Chapter XI. Phenology. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 124-236.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1987. A guide to collecting Lecythidaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74: 321-330.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance.1987. Species diversity, phenology, plant-animal interactions, and their correlation with climate, as illustrated by the Brazil nut family (Lecythidaceae). Pages 69-89 in R. E. Dickinson (ed.), The Geophysiology of Amazonia. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1987. Chapter XIII. Future research. In: S. A. Mori & Collaborators, The Lecythidaceae of a lowland Neotropical forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 44: 156-163.


Mori, S. A. 1988. Biologia da polinização em Lecythidaceae. Acta Bot. Brasil. (supl.) 1: 121-124.

Mori, S. A.1988. Botanical diversity and discovery in French Guiana. New York Bot. Gard. Member's Newsletter 21: 4.

Mori, S. A. 1988. Legumes of Bahia - Book Review. Brittonia 40: 106-107.


Funk, V. A. & S. A. Mori. 1989. A bibliography of plant collectors in Bolivia. Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 70: 1-20.

Lindeman, J. C. & S. A. Mori. 1989. The Guianas. Pages 375-390 in D. G. Campbell & H. D. Hammond (eds), Floristic inventory of tropical countries. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.

Mori, S. A. 1989. Diversity of Lecythidaceae in the Guianas. Pages 319-332 in L. B. Holm-Nielsen, I. C. Nielsen & H. Balslex (eds), Tropical forests. Academic Press, London.

Mori, S. A.1989. Eastern, extra-Amazonian Brazil. in D. G. Campbell & H. D. Hammond (eds), Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.

Mori, S. A.1989. New bracteate species of Eschweilera (Lecythidaceae) from the Amazon Valley. Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. 5: 19-24.

Mori, S. A.1989. The short-tailed fruit bat - Book Review. Brittonia 41: 185-186.

Mori, S. A.1989. Tropical forest and its environment. Second edition - Book Review. Brittonia 41: 328.

Mori, S. A. & B. M. Boom. 1989. In memoriam - Julian A. Steyermark (1909-1988). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 116: 75-76.

Mori, S. A., L. A. Mattos-Silva, G. Lisboa & L. Coradin. 1989. Manual de manejo do herbário fanerogâmico (2nd. ed.). Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. 104 pp.

Mori, S. A., B. V. Rabelo, C.-H. Tsou & D. Daly. 1989. Composition and structure of an eastern Amazonian forest at Camaipi, Amapá, Brazil. Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. 5: 3-18.


Mori, S. A. 1990. Diversificação e conservação das Lecythidaceae Neotropicais. Acta Bot. Bras. 4: 45-68.

Mori, S. A. 1990. The fate of the forest: developers, destroyers and defenders of the Amazon - Book Review. Brittonia 42: 246-247.

Mori, S. A. & J. D. Mitchell. 1990. Tapirira bethanniana (Anacardiaceae) and Eschweilera piresii subsp. viridipetala (Lecythidaceae), two new taxa from central French Guiana. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 64: 229-234.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1990. Lecythidaceae - Part II: the zygomorphic-flowered New World Genera (Couroupita, Corythophora, Bertholletia, Couratari, Eschweilera, & Lecythis). With a study of the secondary xylem of Neotropical Lecythidaceae by Carl de Zeeuw. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 21: 1-376.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance.1990. Taxonomy, ecology, and economic botany of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl.: Lecythidaceae). Advances Econ. Bot. 8: 130-150.


Mori, S. A. 1991. The Guayana lowland floristic province. C. R. Soc. Biogéogr. 67: 67-75.

Mori, S. A. 1991. Rainforests - Book Review. Brittonia 43: 56.

Mori, S. A. 1991. Rainforests - Book Review. ASC Newsletter 19: 82.

Mori, S. A. & P. Becker. 1991. Flooding affects survival of Lecythidaceae in terra firme forest near Manaus, Brazil. Biotropica 23: 87-90.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1991. Lecythidaceae. In: J. A. Rizzo, Flora do Estado de Goiás Coleção Rizzo. 13: 1-36.


Mori, S. A. 1992. Ant - plant interactions - Book Review. Brittonia 44: 385-386.

Mori, S. A.1992. Botanists needed to defend biodiversity. Earth Summit Times, Wednesday, March 25. P. 4.

Mori, S. A.1992. The Brazil nut industry - past, present, and future. Pages 241-251 in M. Plotkin & L. Famolare (eds), Sustainable harvast and marketing of rain forest products. Island Press, Washington, D. C.

Mori, S. A. 1992. Neotropical floristics and inventory: who will do the work? Brittonia 44: 372-375.

Mori, S. A. 1992. Eschweilera pseudodecolorans (Lecythidaceae), a new species from central Amazonian Brazil. Brittonia 44: 244-246.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1992. Lecythidaceae. Pages 168-171 in J. Boggan, V. A. Funk, C. Kelloff, M. Hoff, G. Cremers & C. Feuillet (eds), Checklist of the plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Centre for the Study of Biological Diversity, Georgetown, Guyana.


Pennington, T. D. & S. A. Mori. 1993. Guarea michel-moddei (Meliaceae). Brittonia 45: 231-234.


Cremers, G., C. Feuillet, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, M. Hoff & S. A. Mori. 1994. Liste des phanérogames et des ptéridophytes de la région de Saül, Guyane Française. Pages 89-104 in H. L. Raymond (ed.), Forêt Guyanaise: gestion de l'écosysteme forestier et amémagement de l'éspace régional. Nature Guyanaise, Cayenne.

Mori, S. A. 1994. The flora of Saül. Pages 79-87 in H. L. Raymond (ed.), Gestion de l'écosysteme forestier et aménagement de l'éspace régional. Nature Guyanaise, Cayenne.

Mori, S. A.1994. The rain forests of Latin America: is there hope for the future? Eleventh Annual Ellsworth Lecture. Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont. 16 pp.

Mori, S. A. 1994. Secondary pollen presentation - Book Review. Brittonia 46: 154-155.

Mori, S. A. & J. L. Brown. 1994. Report on wind dispersal in central French Guiana. Brittonia 46: 105-125.


Mori, S. A. 1995. After the trees. Living on the Transamazon Highway - Book Review. Econ. Bot. 49: 334-335.

Mori, S. A.1995. Exploring for plant diversity in the canopy of a French Guianan forest. Selbyana 16: 94-98.

Mori, S. A.1995. Lecythidaceae. Pages 66-73 in M. Nee (ed.), Flora preliminar do Projeto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais., New York Botanical Garden and INPA/Smithsonian Projeto Dinâmica de Fragmentos Florestais., Manaus, Brazil.

Mori, S. A.1995. Lecythidaceae. The World of Plants, Asahi Simbun Press 7: 56-61.

Mori, S. A. 1995. NYBG study tour finds unusual Amazonian water lily. FieldNotes 1995, P. 1.

Mori, S. A. 1995. Observações sobre as espécies de Lecythidaceae do leste do Brasil. Bolm. Botânica, Univ. S. Paulo 14: 1-31.

Mori, S. A. & E. Forero. 1995. The Organization for Flora Neotropica. Brittonia 47: 379-393.

Mori, S. A. & N. Lepsch-Cunha. 1995. The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75: 1-55.


Heald, S. V. & S. A. Mori. 1996. Flora of the Guianas Newsletter 11: 1-75. 

Knudsen, J. T. & S. A. Mori. 1996. Floral scents and pollination in Neotropical Lecythidaceae. Biotropica 28: 42-60.

Mori, S. A. 1996. Floods of fortune: ecology and economy along the Amazon - Book Review. Econ. Bot. 50: 472-473.

Mori, S. A.1996. Leading the Institute of Systematic Botany into the next millenium. FieldNotes, Fall/Winter 1996-1997. 

Mori, S. A.1996. New curator joins Institute of Systematic Botany. FieldNotes, Fall/Winter 1996-1997. 

Mori, S. A. 1996. Palms have a banner year at NYBG. FieldNotes, Spring/Summer. 

Mori, S. A.1996. With broadax and firebrand - Book Review. Econ. Bot. 50: 144-145.

Mori, S. A. 1996. Flora of the Pico das Almas da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia,Brazil - Book Review. Kew Bull. 2: 427-429.


Mori, S. A., G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, M. Hoff & J. D. Mitchell. 1997. Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-422.

Mori, S. A. & J.-J. de Granville. 1997. Saül region: French Guiana. Pages 316-318 in D. Davis, V. H. Heywood, O. Herrera-MacBryde, J. Villa-Lobos & A. C. Hamilton (eds), Volume 3: The Americas. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Information Press, Oxford, U. K.

Mori, S. A. & S. V. Heald. 1997. John J. Wurdack's contribution to South American floristics. BioLlania Edición Especial 6: 127-132.

Morton, C. M., S. A. Mori, G. T. Prance, K. G. Karol & M. W. Chase. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships of Lecythidaceae: a cladistic analysis using rbcL sequence and morphological data. Amer. J. Bot. 84: 530-540.

Tavakilian, G., B. Berkov, B. Meurer-Grimes & S. A. Mori. 1997. Neotropical tree species and their faunas of xylophagous longicorns (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in French Guiana. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 63: 3-55.


Gill, G. E., Jr., R. T. Fowler & S. A. Mori. 1998. Pollination biology of Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae) in central French Guiana. Biotropica 30: 139-144.

Kincaid, D., P. J. Anderson & S. A. Mori. 1998. Leaf variation in a tree of Pourouma tomentosa (Cecropiaceae). Brittonia 50: 324-338.

Mori, S. A. 1998. Botanical vouchers: seldom discussed problems and recommendations for inventories. Mesoamericana 3: 337-338.

Mori, S. A.1998. La flora neotropical y Panamá. Ancon 5: 25-29.

Mori, S. A.1998. Muestras botánicas: problemas pocas veces discutidos y recommendaciones para inventarios. Mesoamericana 3: 35-36.

Mori, S. A.1998. Perfumes from flowers. FieldNotes, Summer 1998. 

Mori, S. A. & J. L. Brown. 1998. Epizoochorous dispersal by barbs, hooks, and spines in a lowland moist forest in central French Guiana. Brittonia 50: 165-173.

Mori, S. A. & C. Gracie. 1998. The discovery of new plant taxa in central French Guiana. Pages 287-307 in P. Mathew & M. Sivadasan (eds), Diversity and taxonomy of flowering plants. Mentor Books, Calicut.

Mori, S. A., C. Gracie & J. D. Mitchell. 1998. Écotourisme et protection du patrimoine naturel dans le centre de la Guyane Française. JATBA, Revue d'Ethnobiologie 40: 299-310.

Mori, S. A., G. T. Prance, S. A. Mori & L. G. Thorburn. 1998. Recircumscription of the Lecythidaceae. Taxon 47: 817-827.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 1998. Pollination and dispersal of neotropical Lecythidaceae. in H. C. F. Hopkins, C. R. Huxley, C. M. Pannell & G. T. Prance (eds), The biological monograph. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England.


de Oliveira, A. A. & S. A. Mori. 1999. A central Amazonian terra firme forest. I. High tree species richness on poor soils. Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 1219-1244.

Lepsch-Cunha, N. & S. A. Mori. 1999. Reproductive phenology and mating potential in a low density tree population of Couratari multiflora (Lecythidaceae) in central Amazonia. J. Trop. Ecol. 15: 97-121.

Mori, S. A. 1999. Bats and conservation. Garden News, Winter 1999-2000. P. 9.

Mori, S. A. 1999. Foreward. Pages x-xi in J. L. Luteyn, Páramos. A checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 84: 1-278.

Mori, S. A.1999. Ghillean T. Prance - recipient of the 1998 Asa Gray Award. Syst. Bot. 24: 1-4.

Mori, S. A.1999. Lecythidaceae. Pages 533-535 in P. M. Jørgensen & León-Yánez (eds), Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Mori, S. A.1999. Saül, le laboratoire de l'éco-toursime. Le Pou d'Agouti 25: 29-31.

Mori, S. A., C. Gracie & J. D. Mitchell. 1999. Guyana Francesa central una única y ruda experiencia turística. Plumeria 7: 29-44.

Mori, S. A. & G. T. Prance. 1999. Lecythidaceae. Pages 750-779 in P. E. Berry, K. Yatskievych & B. K. Holst (eds), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, vol. 5. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Rovira, I., B. Berkov, A. Parkinson, G. Tavakilian, S. A. Mori & B. Meurer-Grimes. 1999. Antimicrobial activity of Neotropical wood and bark extracts. Pharmaceutical Biology 37: 208-215.


Clark, J. L. & S. A. Mori. 2000. Grias longirachis (Lecythidaceae), a new species from norhwestern Ecuador. Brittonia 52: 245-148.

Mori, S. A. 2000. Bats, bees, and Brazil nut trees. Natural History, April 2000. Pp. 66-69.

Mori, S. A.2000. CERC supports bat/plantstudy in French Guiana. CERC Notes, Fall 2000. 

ter Steege, H., D. Sabatier, H. Castellanos, T. van Andel, A. Duivenvoorden, A. A. de Oliveira, R. Ek, R. Lilwah, P. Maas & S. A. Mori. 2000. An analysis of the floristic composition and diversity of Amazonian forests including those of the Guiana Shield. J. Trop. Ecol. 16: 

ter Steege, H., D. Sabatier, H. Catellanos, T. van Andel, A. Duivenvoorden, A. A. de Oliveira, R. Ek, R. Lilwah, P. Maas & S. A. Mori. 2000. A regional perspective: analysis of Amazonian floristic composition and diverstity that includes the Guiana Shield. Pages 19-33 in H. ter Steege (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. Tropenbos Series 18. The Tropenbos Foundation, The Netherlands.


Bierregaard, R. O., Jr., W. F. Laurance, C. Gascon, J. Benitez-Malvido, P. F. Fearnside, C. R. Fonseca, G. Ganade, J. R. Malcom, M. B. Martins, S. A. Mori, M. Oliveira, J. Rankin-de Mérona, A. Scariot, W. Spironello & B. Williamson. 2001. Principles of forest fragmentation and conservation in the Amazon. Pages 371-385 in R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., C. Gascon, T. E. Lovejoy & R. C. G. Mesquita (eds), Lessons from Amazonia. The ecology and conservation of a fragmented forest. Yale University Press, New Haven & London.

Mitchell, J. D. & S. A. Mori. 2001. Early expedition leads to long-term collaboration. BATS 19: 1-2.

Mori, S. A. 2001. A família da castanha-do-Pará: símbolo do Rio Negro. in A. A. de Oliveira & D. Daly (eds), Florestas do Rio Negro. Companhia das Letras, Universidade Paulista and The New York Botanical Garden, São Paulo and New York.

Mori, S. A.2001. Foreward. Page vi in R. Gradstein, S. P. Churchill & N. Salazar-Allen (eds), Guide to the Bryophytes of Tropical America. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 86

Mori, S. A. 2001. Creating a seed atlas for French Guiana. BATS 19: 5.

Mori, S. A., P. Becker & D. Kincaid. 2001. Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian lowland forest. Implications for conservation. Pages 54-67 in R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., C. Gascon, T. E. Lovejoy & R. C. G. Mesquita (eds), Lessons from Amazonia. The ecology and conservation of a fragmented forest. Yale University Press, New Haven & London.

Prance, G. T. & S. A. Mori. 2001. Lecythidaceae. Pages 1206-1210 in W. D. Stevens, C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montie (eds), Flora de Nicaragua. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.


Alverson, W. S. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Bombacaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff, & J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 139-145.

Aymard, G. A. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Dilleniaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 250-253.

Brown, J. L. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Canellaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff, & J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2. Dicotyledons.  Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 184-186.

Fritsch, P. W., J. L. Brown & S. A. Mori. 2002. Styracaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 706-708.

Iltis, H. H. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Capparaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2. Dicotyledons.  Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 186-188.

Kawasaki, M. L. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Thymelaeaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 711-712.

Kennelly, E. J., S. Baggett, P. Nuntanakorn, A. L. Ososki, S. A. Mori, J. Duke, M. Coleton & F. Kronenberg. 2002. Analysis of thirteen populations of black cohosh for formononetin. Phytomedicine 9: 461-467.

Lohman, L. G., J. L. Brown & S. A. Mori. 2002. Bignoniaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2. Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 118-139.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Apiaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2. Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 67-68.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Araliaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2. Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 84-87.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Caricaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2. Dicotyledons.  Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 188-190.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Lacistemataceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 362-363.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Lecythidaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 385-397.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Nymphaeaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 554.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Quiinaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 594-598.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Rafflesiaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 598.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Rhabdodendraceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 598-600.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Rhizophoraceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 603-604.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Trigoniaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 716-718.

Mori, S. A. 2002. Vochysiaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 742-745.

Mori, S. A. & J. L. Brown. 2002. Hernandiaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 344-347.

Mori, S. A. & J. L. Brown. 2002. Symplocaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 708-709.

Mori, S. A., G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,   & J. D. Mitchell.  2002.  Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons.  Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 1-776.

Mori, S. A. & B. Fischer. 2002. Flacourtiaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 319-328.

Mori, S. A., C. Gracie, M. Hoff & T. Kirchgessner. 2002. Checklist of the gymnosperms and flowering plants of central French Guiana. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. Pp. 1-219.

Roon, A. C. de & S. A. Mori. 2002. Icacinaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana.  Part 2.  Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 358-362.

Tsou, C.-H. & S. A. Mori.2002. Seed coat anatomy and its relationship to seed dispersal in subfamily Lecythidoideae of the Lecythidaceae (the Brazil nut family). Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 43: 37-56.

Wallnöfer, B. & S. A. Mori. 2002. Ebenaceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, S. V. Heald, M. Hoff,& J. D. Mitchell (eds.). Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana. Part 2. Dicotyledons.  Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 254-257.

Zerega, N. J. C., S. Mori, C. Lindqvist, Q. Zheng & T. J. Motley. 2002. Using amplified fragment length polymorphisms to identify black cohosh (Actaea racemosa). Econ. Bot. 56(2): 154-164.