Electronic LAMP: virtual Loop–mediated isothermal AMPlification

Nelson R. Salinas1,2 and Damon P. Little1

1Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY, USA

2The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, New York, NY, USA


This informatic tool identifies combinations of template(s) and primer set(s) that comply with LAMP primer specifications. Search queries can be exact or approximate, depending on the parameters set by the user. Approximate matching is carried out using agrep algorithm, as implemented in Tre (installed on Ubuntu by typing “sudo apt-get install tre-agrep”). A graphic interface designed with Tk/Perl is also available.

Command line usage

eLAMP.pl -f in–file.fasta -p in–file.csv [-A ###] [-a ###] [-s ##] [-l ##] [-I #] [-M #] [-O #] [-i ###] [-m ###] [-o ###] [-r] [-c]

“in–file.fasta” contains template sequences in fasta format, and “in–file.csv” LAMP primers in a csv format. In the latter, each cell corresponds to a primer and each line to a primer set. Primer pairs are ordered from the innermost to the outermost. Within each primer pair, the forward (left) primer should be followed by the reverse (right). A heading line is optional. The alternative FIB/BIP primer format can be used, but linkers must be delimited by hyphens (e.g. “-TTTTT-”).


-fis a fasta formated input file
-pis a comma separated value (.csv) file containing four or six primer sequences per line (first six columns; inner forward, inner reverse, middle forward, middle reverse, outer forward, outer reverse)
-Amaximum amplicon size (bp; default = 280)
-amaximum interloop spacing (bp; default = 51)
-sminimum space between inner primers (bp; default = 1)
-lminimum space between inner and middle primers (bp; default = 25)
-Ithe number of exact matches at the 3' ends of the inner primer pair (1–3; default = 3)
-Mthe number of exact matches at the 3' ends of the middle primer pair (1–3; default = 3)
-Othe number of exact matches at the 3' ends of the outer primer pair (1–3; default = 3)
-ipercent of matching bases for the inner primer pair (excluding the 3' bases set with -I; default = 100)
-mpercent of matching bases for the middle primer pair (excluding the 3' bases set with -M; default = 100)
-opercent of matching bases for the outer primer pair (excluding the 3' bases set with -O; default = 100)
-ractivate “relaxed” mode, primer GC content is not checked
-cevaluate template sequences in both possible orientations

Graphical interface invocation


Both scripts (“eLAMP.pl” and “gui.pl”) should be stored in the same folder or be found in PATH, otherwise the graphical interface will not be able to electronically amplify sequences.


PERL interpreter
PERL IPC::System::Simple module
Tre library
Perl/Tk module (GUI only)


Salinas, N. R. and D. P. Little. 2012. Electric LAMP: virtual Loop–mediated isothermal AMPlification. ISRN Bioinformatics. 2012: 696758.
