The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. © 2005-2014.
This finding aid was produced in English.
The Torrey Botanical Society is the oldest botanical society in America. Because of its gradual growth, the club's establishment
date is often argued. Dr. Thomas Field Allen, who would eventually become the club's vice president, is said to have been
the first to suggest the formation of the club. It is said that he first brought local flora samples to his then professor,
Dr. John Torrey, for whom the club is named, in 1858 which started an informal meeting of collectors to go on excursions together.
It was not until December 20th 1867 that the club started to keep records of their meetings. The first signed membership list
at the time of the club's 1873 incorporation showed thirty-one members.
In 1860, Torrey's constantly growing personal herbarium contained 40,000 specimens and his personal library contained 600
volumes which he gave to Columbia College in exchange for free rent in a house on their campus. The first Torrey Botanical
Club meetings were held in the Columbia College Herbarium which was located on 49th Street and Madison Avenue at the time.
Columbia was the club's headquarters for thirty years until it moved to its Morningside Heights campus in 1897 and a few years
later the herbarium at Columbia was given to the New York Botanical Garden along with the papers and library of Dr. Torrey.
In the beginning, the club remained nameless for quite a while. By its members it was simply called "The Club," formally "The
Botanical Club," and to outsiders the "Botanical Club of New York." But there was no official name until 1870 when William
H. Leggett, one of the earliest founders, started up a monthly newsletter that he titled the "Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club." This bulletin was the very first botanical periodical in America. Leggett, who individually owned and operated the whole
publication on his own, chose the club's name so he could title his bulletin. All the club members agreed that this name was
perfect, except the very modest president at the time, Dr. John Torrey.
After trying for charter in early 1871, which was prevented from going through because of New York politics and corruption
at the time, the club became incorporated on January 7th 1873. John Torrey passed away March 10th of the same year and so
the club's name then became a well deserved monument to his memory. Dr. Torrey attended his last club meeting on January 29th
1873, being able to preside as president of the officially incorporated Torrey Botanical Club.
Many prosperous changes came to the club within the decade from 1880 to 1890 and an increased active membership to more than
twice its existing size. The bulletin was taken in by the club and became no longer Leggett's personal responsibility in 1882.
Then another club publication started in May of 1889 called "Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club" which was a regular series of lengthy club publications in monographic form.
Nathaniel Lord Britton joined the Torrey Botanical Club in 1875. Elizabeth Gertrude Knight, bryologist and later wife of Britton,
joined the Torrey club in 1879. Britton had become the editor-in-chief of the club's publications in 1889, strengthening its
prestige. The Britton's visited Kew Gardens in England and after Elizabeth Britton gave an enthusiastic illustrated report
about their visit prompting the formation of a Botanic Garden Committee within the club to promote the establishment of a
botanical garden in 1888. This movement took hold throughout New York City involving The American Museum of Natural History,
Columbia University and newspapers such as the Herald and the Sun. Then in January 8th, 1889 the idea of the New York Botanical Garden was adopted, and on April 18th 1891, vacant park land
was reserved by the New York State Legislature for the creation of "a public botanic garden of the highest class" for the
City of New York. Traditionally, the Torrey Botanical Club meetings were held in the evenings, but starting on June 27th 1900
the club held an afternoon meeting at the New York Botanical Garden to celebrate "Torrey Day," a day to honor their namesake,
and changed their evening meetings to afternoon.
In the same year the Bulletin grew to 700 pages and included many plates within the publication. To touch on more popular
topics instead of technical ones, the club started the publication called Torreya, named after Dr. Torrey and the pine tree species, Pinus torreyana, which was named for him in 1838. In the following year the publishing of club proceedings were transferred from the Bulletin to Torreya which published short papers, general interest notes, field excursion reports and obituaries. In 1997 the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club then became known as The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society marking the club's renaming.
The Torrey Botanical Society continues to hold regular meetings and hosts free field excursions in the New York area to members
and non-members alike.
Barnhart, John H. Historical sketch of the Torrey Botanical Club. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, v. 17. pp12-21.
Hollick, Charles A. Torrey Botanical Club reminiscences. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, v. 17, pp. 29-30
Rickett, Harold William. The Torrey Botanical Club: a retrospective. Garden Journal v. 17 pp. 3-4 (December 1967)
Rusby, Henry H. A historical sketch of the development of botany in New York City. Torreya, v. 6 pp 101-111
Formats in the collection include copies of club publications, correspondence, ledgers, software, photographs, film, glass
plate slides, and copper printing plates. The collection covers financial records including banking files, IRS filings, insurance
papers and ledgers; membership records including nominations and resignations; meeting minutes and announcements; field trip
schedules; constitution and bylaws; committee reports; various card indexes. Editorial correspondence and financial records
pertaining to the club's publications can also be found herein.
This collection is open for research with permission from Mertz
Library staff.
Requests for permission to publish material from the collection
should be submitted in writing to the Archives of The New York Botanical Garden.
William H. Leggett Papers
John H. Barnhart Correspondence - RG6
Torrey Botanical Society Records (RA), Archives, The New York
Botanical Garden.
September 12, 1979 the legal deposit agreement of the Torrey Botanical Club's records to the New York Botanical Garden went
into effect. The Garden is the sole repository of the society's official records and memorabilia.
Originally processed by Kylie A. Schmitt, Archives Intern, Queens College and Stephen Sinon, Head Information Services and
Archives; Jan 2014. Converted to EAD in Oct. 2014 by Lisa Studier.
Series 8. Publications, 1870-2013.
Scope and Content:
This series contains various volumes of the club's publications. Also included in this series are publication orders and correspondence
pertaining to domestic and international subscriptions and correspondence with companies who printed the club's publications,
copyright registrations, editors' reports, and other past serials.
Folder |
Title |
Date |
26.9 |
Bound set of Bulletin Volume 1-27 and bound index volume 1-75 |
26.10 |
Loose issues of Bulletin Volume 93-97 |
26.11 |
One box loose issues of Bulletin and Torreya |
26.12 |
One box loose Bulletin issues |
26.13 |
Stack of 1972 TBC Centennial Celebration booklets |
1972 |
26.14 |
Bound set of IABL published volumes (4 volumes through 1966; 2 volumes 1967-76) |
27.1 |
Institution correspondence Alabama-Arizona |
1914-1951 |
27.2 |
Institution correspondence California (Claremont) |
1943-1950 |
27.3 |
Institution correspondence California (Palo Alto, Redlands, Riverside) |
1930-1941 |
27.4 |
Institution correspondence California (Berkeley) |
1928-1947 |
27.5 |
Institution correspondence California (Sacramento, Stanford) |
1932-1950 |
27.6 |
Institution correspondence California (Davis, Glendale) |
1941-1944 |
27.7 |
Institution correspondence California (Los Angeles) |
1931-1944 |
27.8 |
Institution correspondence Colorado, Charleston |
1934-1949 |
27.9 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (Hartford) |
1937-1951 |
27.10 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (Meriden, Middletown) |
1937-1949 |
27.11 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (New Haven, Yale) |
1931-1943 |
27.12 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (New London, Connecticut College) |
1931-1942 |
27.13 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (Stamford, Storrs) |
1934-1940 |
27.14 |
Institution correspondence Connecticut (Wallingford, Choate School) |
1934-1936 |
27.15 |
Institution correspondence D.C., Agriculture, Commerce, Interior |
1928-1950 |
27.16 |
Institution correspondence D.C., American University |
1930-1949 |
27.17 |
Institution correspondence D.C., Catholic, Howard University |
1936-1939 |
27.18 |
Institution correspondence D.C., K,L.M, Library of Congress |
1937-1947 |
27.19 |
Institution correspondence D.C., Pan Am, Post Office |
1937-1942 |
27.20 |
Institution correspondence D.C., India Supply Mission, New Zealand Trade Commission |
1948-1949 |
27.21 |
Institution correspondence D.C., National |
1932-1948 |
27.22 |
Institution correspondence D.C., Relief and Rehabilitation |
1948 |
27.23 |
Institution correspondence D.C., Smithsonian, Soil |
1933-1948 |
27.24 |
Institution correspondence Florida, Gainesville |
1930-1948 |
27.25 |
Institution correspondence Florida, Gainesville |
1928-1943 |
27.26 |
Institution correspondence Florida, Coral Gables, Tallahassee |
1937-1940 |
27.27 |
Institution correspondence Georgia, Athens |
1933-1947 |
27.28 |
Institution correspondence Georgia, Experiment Station, Emory |
1932-1941 |
27.29 |
Institution correspondence Hawaii |
1933-1947 |
27.30 |
Institution correspondence Hawaii |
1948-1951 |
27.31 |
Institution correspondence Kansas, Lawrence, University of Kansas, Kansas Academy Science |
1931-1946 |
27.32 |
Institution correspondence Kansas, Manhattan |
1927-1943 |
27.33 |
Institution correspondence Kentucky, Lexington |
1939-1940 |
27.34 |
Institution correspondence Kentucky, Louisville |
1941, 1951 |
27.35 |
Institution correspondence Idaho |
1937-1944 |
27.36 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Chicago, American Library Association |
1942-1944 |
27.37 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Agencies |
1948, 1951 |
27.38 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Chicago |
1934-1951 |
27.39 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Carbondale |
1948 |
27.40 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Evanston, Northwestern U. |
1936-1951 |
27.41 |
Institution correspondence Illinois, Jacksonville-Urbana |
1937-1951 |
27.42 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Bloomington |
1915-1949 |
27.43 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Crawfordsville, Wabash College |
1927-1941 |
27.44 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Greencastle, DePauw |
1933-1948 |
27.45 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Huntington |
1937 |
27.46 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Indianapolis |
1926-1944 |
27.47 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Lafayette |
1919-1941 |
27.48 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Michigan City |
1935 |
27.49 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Notre Dame |
1925-1948 |
27.50 |
Institution correspondence Indiana, Richmond |
1951 |
27.51 |
Institution correspondence Iowa, Ames |
1934-1951 |
27.52 |
Institution correspondence Iowa, Iowa City |
1927-1947 |
27.53 |
Institution correspondence Iowa, Cedar Falls |
1927-1948 |
27.54 |
Institution correspondence Louisiana, Baton Rouge, New Orleans |
1937-1942 |
27.55 |
Institution correspondence Maine, Orono |
1932-1949 |
27.56 |
Institution correspondence Maine, Portland |
1928-1940 |
27.57 |
Institution correspondence Maryland, Annapolis-Bowie |
1925-1948 |
27.58 |
Institution correspondence Maryland, College Park |
1933-1948 |
27.59 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Amherst-Belmont |
1935-1949 |
27.60 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Boston (A-C) |
1933-1937 |
27.61 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Boston, Goldberger |
1937-1950 |
27.62 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Boston, Faxon |
1941-1948 |
27.63 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Cambridge |
1927-1951 |
27.64 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Easthampton-Nantucket |
1927-1942 |
27.65 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Northampton-Springfield |
1927-1948 |
27.66 |
Institution correspondence Massachusetts, Waltham-Woods Hole |
1933-1944 |
27.67 |
Institution correspondence Michigan, Albion-Ann Arbor |
1931-1948 |
27.68 |
Institution correspondence Michigan, Detroit |
1931-1948 |
27.69 |
Institution correspondence Michigan, Jackson-East Lansing |
1938-1948 |
27.70 |
Institution correspondence Michigan, Kalmazoo-Midland |
1937-1940 |
27.71 |
Institution correspondence Minnesota, Minneapolis |
1915-1948 |
27.72 |
Institution correspondence Minnesota, Duluth-Minneapolis |
1937-1951 |
27.73 |
Institution correspondence Minnesota, Northfield-St. Paul |
1933-1948 |
27.74 |
Institution correspondence Mississippi, Clinton |
1939, 1941 |
28.1 |
Institution correspondence Mississippi, State College |
1929-1951 |
28.2 |
Institution correspondence Missouri |
1937-1943 |
28.3 |
Institution correspondence Montana |
1916-1942 |
28.4 |
Institution correspondence Nebraska, Lincoln |
1933-1945 |
28.5 |
Institution correspondence Nebraska, Lincoln |
1949-1943 |
28.6 |
Institution correspondence New Hampshire, Durham |
1931-1943 |
28.7 |
Institution correspondence New Hampshire, Hanover |
1937-1941 |
28.8 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, Englewood |
1948-1949 |
28.9 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, Garfield-Hackensack |
1939-1947 |
28.10 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, New Brunswick |
1939-1948 |
28.11 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, New Brunswick |
1934-1943 |
28.12 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, New Brunswick |
1934-1937 |
28.13 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, Princeton |
1938-1948 |
28.14 |
Institution correspondence New Jersey, Vineland-Weehawken |
1933-1943 |
28.15 |
Institution correspondence New Mexico |
1937-1950 |
28.16 |
Institution correspondence New York, Albany-Astoria |
1934-1940 |
28.17 |
Institution correspondence New York, Brooklyn |
1948 |
28.18 |
Institution correspondence New York, Brooklyn |
1928-1948 |
28.19 |
Institution correspondence New York, Brooklyn, C-F |
1937-1947 |
28.20 |
Institution correspondence New York, Brooklyn, G-P |
1942-1949 |
28.21 |
Institution correspondence New York, Buffalo |
1935-1943 |
28.22 |
Institution correspondence New York, Buffalo |
1937,1948 |
28.23 |
Institution correspondence New York, Buffalo |
1929-1941 |
28.24 |
Institution correspondence New York, Cold Spring Harbor |
1944-1948 |
28.25 |
Institution correspondence New York, Geneva |
1927-1937 |
28.26 |
Institution correspondence New York, Ithaca |
1929-1950 |
28.27 |
Institution correspondence New York, Mount Vernon |
1937 |
28.28 |
Institution correspondence New York, Maryknoll |
1942 |
28.29 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Acme Code Company |
1940-1943 |
28.30 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Alpha Arnold |
1931-1944 |
28.31 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Aetna |
1929-1940 |
28.32 |
Institution correspondence New York City, American Museum |
1930-1949 |
28.33 |
Institution correspondence New York City, American News |
1933-1949 |
28.34 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Baker and Taylor-Brentano |
1931-1948 |
28.35 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Board of Economic Welfare |
1943 |
28.36 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Chase National Bank |
1942 |
28.37 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Chile-College |
1939-1950 |
28.38 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Columbia |
1917-1941 |
28.39 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Crowley |
1933-1948 |
28.40 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Doubleday-Emmerson |
1935-1951 |
28.41 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Federal Reserve Bank |
1942-1944 |
28.42 |
Institution correspondence New York City, F |
1937-1950 |
28.43 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Fiedler |
1935-1933 |
28.44 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Franklin Square |
1927-1944 |
28.45 |
Institution correspondence New York City, G |
1927-1950 |
28.46 |
Institution correspondence New York City, H |
1928-1948 |
28.47 |
Institution correspondence New York City, I-K |
1931-1941 |
28.48 |
Institution correspondence New York City, L |
1934-1941 |
28.49 |
Institution correspondence New York City, M |
1934-1944 |
28.50 |
Institution correspondence New York City, N |
1931-1940 |
28.51 |
Institution correspondence New York City, National City Bank |
1942-1949 |
28.52 |
Institution correspondence New York City, P |
1934-1940 |
28.53 |
Institution correspondence New York City, R |
1931-1951 |
28.54 |
Institution correspondence New York City, S |
1927-1942 |
28.55 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Stechert |
1934-1951 |
28.56 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Towne |
1937-1942 |
28.57 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Turner |
1932-1948 |
28.58 |
Institution correspondence New York City, U-V |
1927-1951 |
28.59 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Wilson |
1932-1944 |
28.60 |
Institution correspondence New York City, Zornetzer |
1940-1944 |
28.61 |
Institution correspondence New York, Niagara |
1941 |
28.62 |
Institution correspondence New York, North Cohocton |
1931-1948 |
28.63 |
Institution correspondence New York, Poughkeepsie |
1935-1941 |
29.1 |
Institution correspondence New York, Rochester |
1936-1942 |
29.2 |
Institution correspondence New York, Yonkers |
1931-1951 |
29.3 |
Institution correspondence New York, Syracuse, St. Bonaventure |
1933-1947 |
29.4 |
Institution correspondence North Dakota |
1937-1947 |
29.5 |
Institution correspondence North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
1928-1940 |
29.6 |
Institution correspondence North Carolina, Raleigh |
1928-1947 |
29.7 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Athens |
1949 |
29.8 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Cincinnati |
1934-1948 |
29.9 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Cincinnati, Lloyd Library |
1934-1951 |
29.10 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Bowling Green-Chagrin Falls |
1940-1943 |
29.11 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Cleveland |
1932-1944 |
29.12 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Delaware |
1937 |
29.13 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Oberlin-Wooster |
1933-1944 |
29.14 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Columbus |
1932-1951 |
29.15 |
Institution correspondence Ohio, Granville-Marietta |
1937-1943 |
29.16 |
Institution correspondence Oklahoma, Norman |
1937-1947 |
29.17 |
Institution correspondence Oklahoma, Stillwater |
1936-1943 |
29.18 |
Institution correspondence Oklahoma, Weatherford |
1941,1951 |
29.19 |
Institution correspondence Oregon, Corvallis |
1934-1943 |
29.20 |
Institution correspondence Oregon, Eugene |
1937-1940 |
29.21 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Lancaster (Science Press) |
1940-1950 |
29.22 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Bethlehem-E. Pittsburg |
1939-1943 |
29.23 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Harrisburg-Haverford |
1932-1941 |
29.24 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Lancaster |
1937-1947 |
29.25 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Academy-Ayer |
1933-1944 |
29.26 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Blakiston-Union |
1933-1943 |
29.27 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Mutual |
1951 |
29.28 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Quartermaster |
1948-1949 |
29.29 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania |
1934-1948 |
29.30 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library |
1933-1948 |
29.31 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum |
1949-1950 |
29.32 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, State College |
1949-1950 |
29.33 |
Institution correspondence Pennsylvania, Washington-West Chester |
1941 |
29.34 |
Institution correspondence Puerto Rico |
1928-1948 |
29.35 |
Institution correspondence Rhode Island, Providence |
1932-1937 |
29.36 |
Institution correspondence Rhode Island, Providence |
1935-1942 |
29.37 |
Institution correspondence Rhode Island, Kingston |
1935-1944 |
29.38 |
Institution correspondence South Carolina |
1937-1950 |
29.39 |
Institution correspondence South Dakota |
1937, 1944 |
29.40 |
Institution correspondence Tennessee, Knoxville, TVA, U. Tenn. |
1926-1950 |
29.41 |
Institution correspondence Tennessee, Knoxville, Monsanto |
1947-1948 |
29.42 |
Institution correspondence Tennessee, Nashville |
1937-1949 |
29.43 |
Institution correspondence Tennessee, Oak Ridge |
1948-1951 |
29.44 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Alpine |
1940 |
29.45 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Austin |
1933-1951 |
29.46 |
Institution correspondence Texas, College Station |
1933-1947 |
29.47 |
Institution correspondence Texas, San Antonio |
1934-1948 |
29.48 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Dallas |
1949-1951 |
29.49 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Denton |
1943-1949 |
29.50 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Lubbock |
1930-1951 |
29.51 |
Institution correspondence Texas, Sonora |
1942, 1950 |
29.52 |
Institution correspondence Utah, Logan, Provo |
1926-1951 |
29.53 |
Institution correspondence Vermont, Burlington |
1932-1939 |
29.54 |
Institution correspondence Vermont, Burlington |
1940 |
29.55 |
Institution correspondence Vermont, Burlington |
1941-1944 |
29.56 |
Institution correspondence Vermont, Burlington |
1937-1950 |
29.57 |
Institution correspondence Vermont, Middlebury |
1934-1948 |
29.58 |
Institution correspondence Virginia, Blacksburg |
1937-1945 |
29.59 |
Institution correspondence Virginia, Charlottesville |
1937, 1934 |
29.60 |
Institution correspondence Virginia, Fredericksburg |
1935 |
29.61 |
Institution correspondence Virginia, Norfolk |
1927-1946 |
29.62 |
Institution correspondence Virginia, Richmond |
1948 |
29.63 |
Institution correspondence Washington, Pullman |
1933-1942 |
29.64 |
Institution correspondence Washington, Seattle |
1930-1943 |
29.65 |
Institution correspondence West Virginia, Fairmont |
1937, 1939 |
29.66 |
Institution correspondence West Virginia, Huntington |
1939 |
29.67 |
Institution correspondence West Virginia, Morgantown |
1934-1950 |
29.68 |
Institution correspondence Wisconsin, Beloit |
1937-1949 |
29.69 |
Institution correspondence Wisconsin, Madison |
1932-1951 |
29.70 |
Institution correspondence Wisconsin, Menasha |
1937-1938 |
29.71 |
Institution correspondence Wisconsin, Menasha |
1938-1942 |
29.72 |
Institution correspondence Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
1936-1951 |
29.73 |
Institution correspondence Wyoming |
1927-1941 |
30.1 |
Institution correspondence Africa |
1935-1951 |
30.2 |
Institution correspondence South America |
1933-1951 |
30.3 |
Institution correspondence Australia |
1933-1951 |
30.4 |
Institution correspondence Austria |
1937 |
30.5 |
Institution correspondence Belgium |
1937-1951 |
30.6 |
Institution correspondence Bermuda, Bolivia |
1931-1947 |
30.7 |
Institution correspondence Brazil |
1931-1951 |
30.8 |
Institution correspondence British West Indies, Barbados |
1942, 1951 |
30.9 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Alberta |
1937-1949 |
30.10 |
Institution correspondence Canada, British Columbia |
1931-1949 |
30.11 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick |
1927-1949 |
30.12 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1947-1949 |
30.13 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1927-1945 |
30.14 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1927-1941 |
30.15 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1943 |
30.16 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1931-1950 |
30.17 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1927-1949 |
30.18 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1930-1943 |
30.19 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1937-1950 |
30.20 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Ontario |
1932-1947 |
30.21 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1937-1950 |
30.22 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1933-1941 |
30.23 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1941-1948 |
30.24 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1927-1951 |
30.25 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1932-1944 |
30.26 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1932-1943 |
30.27 |
Institution correspondence Canada, Quebec |
1940-1949 |
30.28 |
Institution correspondence Chile, Colombia |
1940-1947 |
30.29 |
Institution correspondence China, Amoy, Hangchow |
1931-1950 |
30.30 |
Institution correspondence China, Nanking |
1933-1949 |
30.31 |
Institution correspondence China, Peking |
1930-1949 |
30.32 |
Institution correspondence China, Shanghai |
1931-1950 |
30.33 |
Institution correspondence China, Shantung |
1934, 1937 |
30.34 |
Institution correspondence China, Wuchang |
1931-1940 |
30.35 |
Institution correspondence China, Yunnan |
1939-1940 |
30.36 |
Institution correspondence Colombia |
1951 |
30.37 |
Institution correspondence Costa Rica, Colombia |
1937-1949 |
30.38 |
Institution correspondence Czechoslovakia |
1935-1951 |
30.39 |
Institution correspondence Denmark, Dominican Republic |
1934-1950 |
30.40 |
Institution correspondence Egypt |
1933-1950 |
30.41 |
Institution correspondence England, London, Australia-Linnean |
1926-1951 |
30.42 |
Institution correspondence England, London, Marshall-Royal |
1926-1943 |
30.43 |
Institution correspondence England, London, Science |
1931-1943 |
30.44 |
Institution correspondence England, London, Lewis and Co. |
1948-1951 |
30.45 |
Institution correspondence England, miscellaneous |
1945-1950 |
30.46 |
Institution correspondence England, Cambridge, Kew |
1933-1951 |
30.47 |
Institution correspondence England, Manchester, York, Oxford |
1928-1950 |
30.48 |
Institution correspondence Federated Malay States |
1926-1941 |
30.49 |
Institution correspondence Finland |
1926-1951 |
30.50 |
Institution correspondence France |
1926-1951 |
30.51 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Deutschen Bibliotek |
1926-1939 |
30.52 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Bot. Garden |
1933-1941 |
30.53 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Chemischen Gesellschaft |
1937-1941 |
30.54 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Friedlander |
1933-1941 |
30.55 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Gesel. Natur |
1932 |
30.56 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Berlin, Hirsch Buch |
1932-1951 |
30.57 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Frankfort, Hamburg |
1932-1951 |
30.58 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Jena, Kiel |
1914-1937 |
30.59 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Leipzig, Deutsch Buch |
1927-1939 |
30.60 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Leipzig, H. |
30.61 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Leipzig, W. |
1912-1935 |
30.62 |
Institution correspondence Germany, Marburg, Stuttgart |
1929-1941 |
30.63 |
Institution correspondence Greece |
1939-1951 |
30.64 |
Institution correspondence Holland |
1948-1951 |
30.65 |
Institution correspondence Hungary |
1937, 1940 |
30.66 |
Institution correspondence India, Ahmedabab, Benares |
1936-1951 |
30.67 |
Institution correspondence India, Awnpore-Kemper |
1932-1951 |
30.68 |
Institution correspondence India, Lahore-Meerut |
1927-1950 |
30.69 |
Institution correspondence India, Nagpur-Ualtiar |
1927-1951 |
30.70 |
Institution correspondence Ireland, Iceland |
1927-1950 |
30.71 |
Institution correspondence Italy, Genova-Pavia |
1937-1950 |
30.72 |
Institution correspondence Italy, Rome-Torino |
1927-1940 |
30.73 |
Institution correspondence Jamaica |
1936-1941 |
30.74 |
Institution correspondence Japan, Chosen-Formosa |
1932-1940 |
30.75 |
Institution correspondence Japan, Gifuken-Migken |
1934-1940 |
30.76 |
Institution correspondence Japan, Okayamaken-Tokyo |
1929-1941 |
30.77 |
Institution correspondence Latvia |
1937 |
30.78 |
Institution correspondence Mexico |
1932-1950 |
30.79 |
Institution correspondence Netherlands |
1926-1950 |
30.80 |
Institution correspondence New Zealand |
1928-1951 |
30.81 |
Institution correspondence Norway, Nigeria |
1937-1950 |
30.82 |
Institution correspondence Palestine, Peru |
1932-1951 |
30.83 |
Institution correspondence Philippine Islands |
1927-1940 |
30.84 |
Institution correspondence Poland |
1934-1938 |
30.85 |
Institution correspondence Portugal |
1936-1950 |
30.86 |
Institution correspondence Rumania |
1933-1951 |
30.87 |
Institution correspondence Russia |
1927-1940 |
30.88 |
Institution correspondence Scotland |
1927-1951 |
30.89 |
Institution correspondence Singapore |
1949 |
30.90 |
Institution correspondence Spain |
1935 |
30.91 |
Institution correspondence Sweden |
1932-1951 |
30.92 |
Institution correspondence Switzerland |
1919-1949 |
30.93 |
Institution correspondence Trinidad, Turkey, Tobago |
1930-1949 |
30.94 |
Institution correspondence Venezuela |
1939-1950 |
30.95 |
Institution correspondence Wales |
1930-1951 |
30.96 |
Institution correspondence Yugoslavia |
1950 |
31.1 |
Business Manager Poor accounts |
1937-42 |
31.2 |
Business Manager |
1946-53 |
31.3 |
Business Manager Orders, back issues |
1947-49 |
31.4 |
Business Manager Mailing list |
1947-51 |
31.5 |
Business Manager Instructions |
1948, 1951 |
31.6 |
Business Manager Index cards |
1948-54 |
31.7 |
Business Manager Meetings and reports |
1949-52 |
31.8 |
Business Manager Pending orders and purchases |
1950-51 |
31.9 |
Business Manager Memoirs, orders filled |
1950-52 |
31.10 |
Business Manager Accounts paid |
1950 |
31.11 |
Business Manager Supplies, postage |
1950-51 |
31.12 |
Business Manager Advertising |
1950-51 |
31.13 |
Business Manager Price lists |
1951 |
31.14 |
Business Manager Rudolph corresp |
1951 |
31.15 |
Business Manager Advertising |
1951-52 |
31.16 |
Business Manager Jakowska corresp |
1951-52 |
31.17 |
Business Manager Bulletin orders |
1952 |
31.18 |
Business Manager Memoirs, standing orders |
1952 |
31.19 |
Business Manager Back copies |
1952-54 |
31.20 |
Business Manager Bids, printing |
1953 |
31.21 |
Business Manager Memoirs |
1953-54 |
31.22 |
Business Manager Claims |
1953-54 |
31.23 |
Business Manager Corresp, Bard |
1953-54 |
31.24 |
Business Manager O'Leary orders |
1953-54 |
31.25 |
Business Manager Treasurer corresp. |
1953-55 |
31.26 |
Business Manager Subscriptions |
1954 |
31.27 |
Business Manager Mailings |
1962 |
32.1 |
Business Manager Subscribers ledger |
1886-91 |
32.2 |
Business Manager Contributions to the Bulletin |
1870-79 |
32.3 |
Business Manager Botanical directory |
1878 |
32.4 |
Business Manager Bulletin |
1880 |
32.5 |
Business Manager Index to Bulletin |
1884 |
32.6 |
Business Manager IABL |
1908 |
32.7 |
Business Manager Publications |
1921 |
32.8 |
Business Manager Memoirs |
1923 |
32.9 |
Business Manager Intelligencer Printing |
1925-28 |
32.10 |
Business Manager Banta Publishing |
1928-41 |
32.11 |
Business Manager Torreya |
1935 |
32.12 |
Business Manager Torreya |
1936 |
32.13 |
Business Manager Lancaster Press |
1939-40 |
32.14 |
Business Manager Exchanges |
1940-42 |
32.15 |
Business Manager Academy Bulletin |
1941 |
32.16 |
Business Manager Exchanges, Bulletin |
1941 |
32.17 |
Business Manager Publications |
1941 |
32.18 |
Business Manager Lancaster Press |
1941-50 |
32.19 |
Business Manager Torreya, Bulletin |
1943 |
32.20 |
Business Manager Merger |
1945 |
32.21 |
Business Manager Index to Bulletin |
1946 |
32.22 |
Business Manager Orders filled |
1946-48 |
32.23 |
Business Manager Corresp |
1947-48 |
32.24 |
Business Manager Business Press |
1948-51 |
32.25 |
Business Manager Science Press |
1948-51 |
32.26 |
Business Manager Editor |
1948-53 |
32.27 |
Business Manager Subscriptions |
1949-53 |
32.28 |
Business Manager 75 year index |
1949-56 |
32.29 |
Business Manager Subscriptions, promotion |
1950 |
32.30 |
Business Manager Distributor agreement |
1958 |
32.31 |
Business Manager Abbreviation of serial titles |
1958 |
32.32 |
Business Manager Publications |
1959-61 |
32.33 |
Business Manager Publications |
1963 |
32.34 |
Business Manager Editor |
1963-70 |
32.35 |
Business Manager NYBG agreement |
1964 |
32.36 |
Business Manager Publications |
1964 |
32.37 |
Business Manager Agreements |
1964, 1966 |
32.38 |
Business Manager IABL |
1968 |
32.39 |
Business Manager Publications report |
1968 |
32.40 |
Business Manager Publications report |
1969 |
32.41 |
Business Manager Bulletin |
1970 |
33.1 |
Business Manager Memoirs Fund |
1971 |
33.2 |
Business Manager Bulletin manuscript log |
1976-88 |
33.3 |
Business Manager Editor reports |
1977-79 |
33.4 |
Business Manager |
1979 |
33.5 |
Business Manager |
1980-86 |
33.6 |
Business Manager |
1981 |
33.7 |
Business Manager Editor report |
1982 |
33.8 |
Business Manager Book reviews |
1984-86 |
33.9 |
Business Manager Book reviews |
1986 |
33.10 |
Business Manager Publisher corresp |
1986-87 |
33.11 |
Business Manager Book reviews |
1986-88 |
33.12 |
Business Manager |
1987 |
33.13 |
Business Manager |
1988 |
33.14 |
Business Manager Book reviews |
1988-91 |
33.15 |
Business Manager |
1989 |
33.16 |
Business Manager |
1990 |
33.17 |
Business Manager |
1991 |
33.18 |
Business Manager Expenses |
1991-92 |
33.19 |
Business Manager |
1992-93 |
33.20 |
Business Manager |
1994-98 |
33.21 |
Business Manager Copyright |
1996, 2001 |
33.22 |
Business Manager Buck corresp |
1997-98 |
33.23 |
Business Manager Memoirs |
1997-2001 |
33.24 |
Business Manager |
2000-02 |
33.25 |
Business Manager Allen Press contracts |
2000-05 |
33.26 |
Business Manager Journal |
2001 |
33.27 |
Business Manager Allen Press |
2001 |
33.28 |
Business Manager Statistics |
2001-05 |
33.29 |
Business Manager Allen Marketing and Management |
2001-05 |
33.30 |
Business Manager Bulletin Giveaway |
2002 |
33.31 |
Business Manager JSTOR revenue sharing |
2003 |
33.32 |
Business Manager Bulletin giveaway |
2003-04 |
33.33 |
Business Manager |
2003-2005 |
33.34 |
Business Manager |
2004-2006 |
33.35 |
Business Manager Editor report |
2005 |
33.36 |
Business Manager Bulletin giveaway |
2005 |
33.37 |
Business Manager Online journal |
2011 |
33.38 |
Business Manager Editor report |
2013 |