Photo of a variety of vegetables

Grow More Vegetables Certificate Series

Applications due by February 10, 2023
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, & April 5 • 6–8 p.m. (virtual classes)

The Grow More Vegetables Certificate Series is an edible gardening course designed to equip community gardeners, teachers, and city residents with the best organic techniques for growing vegetables safely and effectively, particularly in an urban setting. The program consists of six virtual classes, and hands-on gardening instruction in the field. Each student will have the opportunity to design their own urban vegetable gardening project as a final component of the course.

Required for Certification:

  • Attend 6 virtual classes, 8 hours hands-on practice, dates TBD, Completion of Final Project.
  • Priority will be given to Bronx community gardeners, but others are welcome if space allows

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