Inside The New York Botanical Garden

The Children’s Gardening Program: Creating Young Horticulturists

Posted in Programs and Events on February 13 2012, by Matt Newman

Children's GardeningEspecially because this winter feels like an early springtime, it’s time to get excited for a new season of the Children’s Gardening Program at the two-acre Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden. As of February 1, we opened registration for our popular Crafters and Sprouts for the spring, summer, and fall sessions.

Garden Sprouts introduces three- to five-year-olds and their accompanying parent to garden exploration, from digging for earthworms to planting seeds. Sprouts enjoy seasonal gardening tasks, the opportunity to sample garden-fresh produce grown in their own plots, and activities especially crafted for the young green thumb.

And for the older kids aged six to twelve, there’s Garden Crafters! Over the course of 12 springtime Saturday sessions they’ll plant and harvest from their own plots, learning more about organic gardening, cooking, botany, and fun topics like harvest games, springtime birds, and trees. Summer weekday sessions and the fall Saturday sessions ensure a season of hands-on learning.

Family Garden

Space is limited, but don’t fret–if you can’t get the kids into the spring session, consider registering well in advance for the popular summer and fall programs. It might just be the most enjoyable curriculum they complete all year.

For a detailed list of program schedules and activities, visit our education page. Call 718-817-8181 to register.