Caribbean Garden Photography Contest: Week Six Winners!
Posted in Photography on March 7 2012, by Ann Rafalko
Boy, you guys were really saving up your most tropical shots for the last week, weren’t you? There was so much color and drama in this week’s entries, it was really difficult to pick. But pick we did. So without further ado; the last weekly winners in the Caribbean Garden Photography Contest!
Sense of Place Winner, Week Six

Sense of Place First Runner-Up, Week Six

Sense of Place Second Runner-Up, Week Six

Macro Winner, Week Six

Macro First Runner-Up, Week Six

Macro Second Runner-Up, Week Six

And finally, I would like to hand out my first and only Honorable Mention of the contest to Helene, for this cognitively dissonant shot of a cactus that looks like it is covered in snow.

So congratulations Susie and Helen! You two become the last two finalists in the running for one of two $100 gift certificates good towards any Adult Education class offered here at the Garden or at our Midtown Center in Manhattan!
Next week: The Grand Prize Winners!
For weeks fife& six I posted my photos for the Caribben garden photo contest tag them but after the announcement for the week six I found out that my photos didn’t taged to NYBG group pool , so I’ll see them in flickers photo but not in the group therefor my photos never seeing by the judges & I taged them to #Caribbeangarden