Morning Eye Candy: Sophy’s Choice
Posted in Photography on May 20 2012, by Ann Rafalko
Do you like your roses best when they’re in full-blown full bloom?

Shrub Rose ‘Sophy’s Rose’ (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Or …
When they’re just beginning to unfurl their beguiling petals?

Shrub Rose ‘Sophy’s Rose’ (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden is very near peak bloom. Keep an eye on it with Rose Watch 2012!
The Garden Rocks!
The New York Botanical Garden is competing as one of 40 New York City historic places in the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Partners in Preservation program. Vote for us, and we have the chance to win a grant to restore a piece of Nature’s Showplace in New York City, the Rock Garden. VOTE FOR THE GARDEN!