Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Last Chance for IGPOTY Submissions!

Posted in Photography, Programs and Events on November 29 2012, by Matt Newman

This is a super-important reminder, everyone: you have one more day! That’s all that remains of your window to submit photographs to the International Garden Photographer of the Year competition before the judges close up for deliberations. And if you can’t have your submissions in by Friday, November 30, you’ll find yourself waiting at least another anxious year before you have an opportunity to win over $18,000 in prizes, international recognition, and your work in a professional exhibition!

Even if you can’t find the time to hike outdoors in search of that perfect shot, there’s no reason to give up hope–IGPOTY accepts old photos, as well. Just head over to their official competition page for guidelines on what to pull out of your portfolio. In the meantime, here are a few winning photographs from past years to jog your inspiration.

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Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur looking to prove your chops, all are welcome and encouraged to make submissions to the IGPOTY competition. And don’t forget that as the exclusive U.S. partner to the contest, the NYBG is offering its own prizes. Visit IGPOTY for more information, and best of luck to all of our shutterbugs!


Audrey Burtrum-Stanley said:

How could a photograph of a nasty, disgusting RAT be in a ‘Photography Contest’? Wellllll, you have one here and IT’S BEAUTIFUL! This image of the lil’ critter – balanced on a moss pillow in a rippling pool – munching on God’s perfectly arranged and colored berries – is outstanding. MY COMPLIMENTS TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER – who captured a RAT and trapped a lovely moment in nature.

Matt Newman said:

We’re big fans of that one, too! It’s not often we get to call a rodent “cute,” this being New York and all. Though I admit the muskrats we have living in Twin Lakes can be pretty adorable when they feel like it.