TPPC: Week Three Winners!
Posted in Photography on February 12 2013, by Ann Rafalko
As you may have noticed, our announcement of this week’s Tropical Paradise Photography Contest winners is quite late. Why? Because of the overwhelming number of entries, and the lopsided nature of such. So, I’m going to make an appeal: if you are coming to the Conservatory with an express interest in entering this contest, please, try your hand at taking some “Sense of Place” shots! Not only will you help us in our judging, but you will exponentially enhance your chances of winning one of our prizes! How so? This week there were 120 photographs entered into the “Macro” category, and just 17 “Sense of Place.” How do you like them chances?
I know that “Sense of Place” shots can be difficult, but with a little creativity they can be really great. Some thoughts: Get down low. Get up high (there are some cool staircases throughout the Conservatory galleries). Think about lighting. Look up! Look down! Explore. The Aquatic Plants gallery is really popular for this category, but all of the houses make really great subjects. Experiment! Try new things! That’s part of the fun of this contest. And if you need some help, check out the great videos we did with professional photographer Rich Pomerantz at the bottom of this page.
And don’t forget, it’s easy to enter. Simply upload your pictures to Flickr (please limit them to photographs taken inside the Conservatory during Tropical Paradise), add them to our Group Pool, tag them with #tropicalparadise, and then sit back and hope we pick your pix! And don’t think that just because you’re snapping with an iPhone, you can’t take part–all skill and equipment levels are welcome to participate.
Okay, lecture over! Let’s get on to the winners!
Sense of Place
First Place (and moving on to the finals in four weeks): Veils of Vines by susies.genii

First Runner-Up: Look Up by suzypic2013

Second Runner-Up: Forgotten & Found by susies.genii

First Place (and moving on to the finals in four weeks): Reflections of Indigo by purplefiddler

First Runner-Up: IMG_6436 by j9rudy

Second Runner-Up: Backlit Breadnut Leaf by susies.genii

For full contest rules and dates for entry, please read this. Good luck and happy shooting! And remember, think “Sense of Place!”