TPPC: Week Six Winners!
Posted in Photography on March 5 2013, by Ann Rafalko
And that’s a wrap folks! The contest is over. The judging is (almost) done. Next week we pick the grand prize winners of the Tropical Paradise Photography Contest!
There will be two winners, one in each category: Sense of Place and Macro. Each person will win a seat in the photography class of their choice offered by the Garden’s Adult Education department.
So, without further commentary, let’s meet our final group of winners!
Sense of Place
First Place (and moving on to the finals next week): “Reflections of Paradise” by purplefiddler

First Runner-Up: “Magic in the Glass House . . .” by marcfs
Second Runner-Up: “Shadows, Vines and Leaves” by Trish Mayo
First Place (and moving on to the finals next week): “Jade . . . aura . . . beauty” by marcfs

First Runner-Up: “Branch of Leaves” by purplefiddler

Second Runner-Up: “P1030258.JPG” by Enrie M.

So that’s it! Keep an eye out next week for the grand finale of this beautiful contest! Thank you so much to each and every one of you for entering. It is so interesting for us to see our world through your eyes. You give us something new to think about every week. Please keep submitting your photographs to our Group Pool and we’ll begin doing weekly (or near weekly) round-ups of our favorites on Twitter soon.
In the meantime, if you’re still inspired to come to the Garden and shoot some photographs, The Orchid Show is an amazing excuse to try out some new techniques and spring is really beginning to, well, spring around our grounds.