Morning Eye Candy: Bouquet of Roses In Sunlight
Posted in Photography on April 30 2013, by Ann Rafalko

Say that it is a crude effect, black reds,
Pink yellows, orange whites, too much as they are
To be anything else in the sunlight of the room,
Too much as they are to be changed by metaphor,
Too actual, things that in being real
Make any imaginings of them lesser things.
Bouquet of Roses In Sunlight ~ Wallace Stevens
This post was inspired by the author of the Tumblr blog Wicked Sassy, who suggested Stevens’ poem The Snow Man and by Jane on Facebook who suggested Sunday Morning. We ultimately went with the above because we could find an appropriate image more easily. Regardless, thank you for your suggestions!
Ps – We know the image is of tulips but the poem is about roses, but aren’t they pretty? So happy National Poetry Month! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.