Inside The New York Botanical Garden


Christina said:

Do you mean Frost?

Matt Newman said:

I was touching on a lot of literary influences, but in hindsight making vague reference to “The Road Not Taken,” “Young Goodman Brown,” and Walden all in one post was probably more confusing than anything!

Consider it revised for clarity.

Audrey Burtrum-Stanley said:

Thoreau — marvelous idea! Everyone enjoys the thoughts of this gentle, observant man. How delightful you added him to your presentation this morning!
“Live each SEASON as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink,…”
Thoreau would have adored the seasonal changes at your property – from the glorious, deep colors of the rose blossom (featured yesterday) to the gentle pastels (of earlier spring photos) on your site. Today’s generation of visitors adores it all too.

Matt Newman said:

You know, Audrey, I admit I wasn’t much of a Thoreau fan until I began working here. Then it all made sense—and I couldn’t have said it better than you just did.