A Hungry Pumpkin Roars to Life
Posted in Programs and Events on October 21 2013, by Matt Newman
After spending the day at Grand Central Terminal with Ray Villafane and his cadre of carvers, I had no doubt that his emerging work for this year’s Haunted Pumpkin Garden would be as jaw-dropping as ever. Literally. But I didn’t realize just how massively monstrous Villafane’s plans were! With fangs galore and a squadron of buggy targets for its searching tongue, the finished sculpture came together over the course of our Giant Pumpkin Carving Weekend, landing yet another notch on the team’s belt of pumpkin masterpieces. And, of course, doing the record-breaking pumpkins in attendance proud.
This ravenous plant puts even the most impressive of Venus flytraps to shame, trust me on that one!

Located in the Clay Family Picnic Pavilions, the sculpture is in it for the long haul, though as any Jack-o’-lantern connoisseur will know, the elements soon take their toll on the material. As the mutant plant decays, it’ll take on new and ghastly dimensions perfect for Halloween. To that end, we’re leaving the sculpture on display for visitors to see for as long as it holds up, or until October 31—whichever comes along first. So don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity to see the art of the greatest pumpkin carvers around! Arranged around the heaviest pumpkin ever recorded—2,032 pounds—it’s an unmissable experience.
But even though the Giant Pumpkin Carving Weekend has come and gone, it’s not like we’d leave you hanging with so much time left between now and Halloween. Join us daily for Haunted Pumpkin Garden activities for families, and on special weekend evenings for Spooky Nighttime Adventures, taking place with limited tickets the nights of October 25 and 26. Because what’s a better scene for the creepiest holiday of the year than a rustling Forest after dark? Bring the kids in costume and come on out!