Larry Lederman‘s lens takes you to the Garden when you can’t be there and previews what to see when
you can.
The approach of fall in the Garden brings with it the revitalization of one of our most classically scenic collections, the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden, where hundreds of cultivars revisit the colors of spring with a second bloom in September.
Together, the two collections are the perfect escape in late summer, an opportunity to soak in the best of both flowers and foliage before the transitions of fall arrive. Here, Larry Lederman spotlights his favorite aspects of each from recent trips through the Garden.
In front of the gazebo on the left is Poseidon™, a fragrant pale lavender-blue floribunda rose bred by Kordes (Germany); Cinco de Mayo™ is a showy floribunda rose with russet flowers, just in front of Poseidon™, bred in the U.S. by Tom Carruth; In front follows the medium pink shrub rose, ‘Belinda’s Dream’ and Thanksgiving Rose™, a shrub rose whose flowers are an apricot blend with copper shading.
The whitish flowers in the large center bed are Rosa Easter Basket™, a floribunda rose with creamy yellow blooms edged in pink; You can see Cinco de Mayo™ just to the left of the pot and Poseidon™ just to the right.At the center is Mother of Pearl™, a pale pink grandiflora rose bred by Alain Meilland (France) and introduced in the U.S. in 2007
Not far from the curling staircases that frame the entrance to the Rose Garden, the Benenson Ornamental Conifers—a quiet retreat built around a collection of rare evergreens—offer a landscape in contrast to the bright hues of NYBG’s roses.
Cedrus deodara ‘Shalimar’ (deodar cedar). Although deodar cedar is not normally considered hardy in the Northeast, this is a particularly cold-hardy cultivar, which originated in India.Pinus wallichiana ‘Zebrina’ (variegated Himalayan pine). The needles of this Himalayan pine cultivar are banded with white, creating a striking yet elegant two-tone effect.Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This grove of dawn-redwoods were grown from seed obtained in 1948, the first year this living fossil was available outside of China, where it had been discovered only a few years before. It is a deciduous conifer and loses its needles each autumn.
Thank you for bringing me to this magnificent place