Morning Eye Candy: Copper Wire
Posted in Photography on January 21 2014, by Ann Rafalko

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Passiflora ‘Grace Ann’
In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Inside The New York Botanical Garden
Posted in Photography on January 21 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Passiflora ‘Grace Ann’
In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Posted in Photography on January 20 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Something about this beautiful South African succulent makes me think of water balloons. Or maybe bubble wrap*?
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Haworthia cymbiformis var. cymbiformis f. planifolia variegata
In the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections
* Please remember to never touch (or climb!) any of our plants. Many of them are very sensitive, fragile, or old. Thank you!
Posted in Photography on January 19 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Need a break from winter? You’re in luck. Tropical Paradise–with all its sultry warmth and hot colors–is back!
Gloxinia sylvatica
Posted in Photography on January 18 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Shades of green.
Epidendrum coriifolium
In the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections
Posted in Around the Garden on January 17 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Are you one of those workaholics that just can’t seem to ever use your vacation time, because going on vacation takes too much, well, time? Or maybe you have little kids and the thought of lugging them—and all their stuff—to the airport, dealing with the withering glances of your fellow travelers and kiddo jet lag is just too much. Or maybe you’re saving up for something important like college, or a big move, or a new car.
Either way, if you need a break from winter but can’t swing it for some reason, we’ve got you covered! That’s right: Tropical Paradise is back!
Opening on Saturday just in time for a three-day weekend, Tropical Paradise is our very popular winter interpretation of the permanent collection in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. It’s the chance for all of our brilliant, warmth-loving, exotic specimens to take center stage! And did I mention warmth? The temperatures inside many of the Conservatory’s galleries are positively balmy, a nice change from what’s going on outside.
And to encourage you to look at our beautiful plants just a little bit differently, we’re holding our fan-favorite Tropical Paradise Photography Contest again this year. Everyone who enters has a chance to win a seat in one of our Adult Education photography classes. All that’s needed is a camera (your smartphone is fine!) and a Flickr account. Upload your photographs to our Group Pool, tag them with #tropicalparadise, and we’ll do the rest!
And don’t forget! As an added bonus for your little ones, All Aboard with Thomas & Friends is still here!
Posted in Photography on January 17 2014, by Ann Rafalko
You’ve seen them before, holes in an otherwise solid sheet of ice, formed by moving water, either from a spring or an aerator. But did you know they have a name? Welcome to your new favorite piece of trivia: They’re called Symmes Holes (see the bottom of this story for an explanation).
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
In the Native Plant Garden
Posted in Photography on January 16 2014, by Ann Rafalko
It took me a few minutes to figure out what this photograph was. It turns out, you have to kind of shift perspective. At first I though it was frost trapped in tire tracks made in mud. Then I realized it was frost on a much grander scale, like on the scale of a gorge and a river.
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
The Bronx River Gorge
Posted in Programs and Events on January 15 2014, by Ann Rafalko
It’s cliche, but it’s true: If you can’t celebrate your love with crystallized carbon, you can always celebrate it with the fermented pit of a South American fruit. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Why chocolate of course! Too trite? Not how we do it!
For the love of your life, we’re celebrating with two fabulous evenings—Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th—in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, and for your little loves, we’re celebrating on Saturday the 15th in the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden thanks to our Priceless friends at MasterCard.
Posted in Photography on January 15 2014, by Ann Rafalko
There’s something about this photograph that reminds me of the kind of old botanical print you can find hidden at the back of a good thrift store. It looks as if it was printed originally in black and white, and then the colors were filled in by hand with watercolor. This is a very long winded way of saying, I really like this one!
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra, a type of ‘snake plant’
In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Posted in Photography on January 14 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Remember when it was cold? Like, really, really cold? Yeah, me neither. But it was, and here’s evidence.
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
On the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory