Inside The New York Botanical Garden
Ann Rafalko
Posted in Photography on January 13 2014, by Ann Rafalko
I have always wondered which attribute of this beautiful vine caused people to start calling it the “clock vine.” If anyone knows, please tell us in the comments below!
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Thunbergia mysorensis
In the Aquatic Plants Gallery of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Posted in Photography on January 12 2014, by Ann Rafalko
My mom has always told me that the name Ann means “grace,” which means that this gorgeous passion flower is doubly graceful. But you didn’t need me to tell you that, now did you?

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Passiflora ‘Grace Ann’
In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Posted in Photography on January 11 2014, by Ann Rafalko
The flowers of this downy succulent also have a velveteen nap, and brilliant color!
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Echeveria leucotricha
In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory
Posted in Holiday Train Show on January 10 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Like all good things, even the Holiday Train Show must come to an end, and this Sunday is your last chance to see this wonderful family exhibition until November comes around again. But that doesn’t mean the train fun is done! All Aboard with Thomas & Friends continues its run in the Ross Hall for several more weeks.
In addition, we have a few tours planned—including the always popular Saturday Bird Walk—to help you stretch your legs after hibernating during this week’s cold snap. And if your little ones have a serious case of cabin fever, bring them along for the last weekend of holiday family fun in the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden!
So what’s next on our agenda? Starting January 18, take a trip to the tropics without leaving New York! That’s right, Tropical Paradise returns, along with the very popular Tropical Paradise Photography Contest. So grab your dusty old SLR and brush up on your techniques while you take in the last weekend of everyone’s favorite holiday event!
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Posted in Photography on January 8 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Sorry we missed you yesterday! These guys were sad and wanted to pop in to say, “Hello!”

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Monadenium coccineum
In the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections
Posted in Photography on January 1 2014, by Ann Rafalko
Dawn of a New Year! Happy 2014 to you!
Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Azalea Way, shot on December 21, 2013, 7:29 a.m.
Posted in Holiday Train Show on December 31 2013, by Ann Rafalko
What’s better than the Holiday Train Show? How about when we combine the Holiday Train Show with All Aboard with Thomas & Friends! That’s right, starting on New Year’s Day your train-crazy little ones can get a double dose of all things train in one single day (and if you take Metro-North Rail Road to Botanical Garden Station, that’s a triple dose of all things train!).
Running through January 26, your kids can join Thomas and Driver Sam on a new fun-filled, sing-along, mini performance adventure by helping them decorate the station in time for the big Sodor surprise party before the guest of honor arrives! At the end, be sure to have your camera ready for an exciting photo op with the stars of the show!
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Posted in Photography on December 31 2013, by Ann Rafalko
Here’s wishing you a sparkling evening saying farewell to 2013, and good morning to 2014! We hope to see much of you in the new year!
Posted in Photography on December 30 2013, by Ann Rafalko
Lycianthes rantonnetii is unquestionably purple, yet is is commonly known as the blue potato bush. Go figure! Regardless of color, if you live in Zones 9 through 11, it is a lovely, scented ornamental plant for your garden.
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Lycianthes rantonnetii ‘Linn’s Legacy’
In the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections
Posted in Photography on December 29 2013, by Ann Rafalko
Neon bright colors are all the rage in fashion, and in the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections. Think of the Nolen Greenhouses as our permanent collection. It’s where we store rare specimens, and propagate beautiful blooms–like this orchid and these neotropical blueberries–for future display.
Photos by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Unknown orchid and unknown neotropical blueberry (Ericaceae)
Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections