This week’s fireworks high above are met with a similar show down below, with summer’s Crocosima, water lilies (Nymphaea), torch-ginger (Etlingera), and more now bursting in abundance in the Perennial Garden, the Conservatory Courtyard Pools, and beyond. See these and other colorful characters from NYBG’s collections in this glimpse into what’s beautiful now.
As part of #plantlove at NYBG, we’re talking with people from all over the Garden about what inspires their passion for plants. Today, meet Nsombi Woodson, Floral Designer and Instructor for Adult Education at NYBG.
My #plantlove started in my grandmother’s garden. Back then, my absolute favorite flower was the rose. Nana, as we called her, planted a rose bush for each of her grandchildren. For me, she planted a variety of tiny pink sprays. Born and raised in the Bronx, I treated The New York Botanical Garden as my backyard—class trips, birthdays, and summer vacations were spent on its lawns. During these visits to NYBG, I’d head straight to the rose garden and claim every pink spray rose as my very own.
I’ve been blessed to turn my love of flowers into a career in floral design, and now my favorites are too numerous to name. However, I must say that spring inspires me the most. Just like me, the flowers have survived the dark, cold winter and are ecstatic to be out in the sunshine again. Blooming branches burst with color; scents of hyacinths fill the air; and the happy faces of daffodils pop up waving hello.
In the end, what feeds my #plantlove the most is its ability to evoke sweet memories of the past, excitement for the future, and gratefulness for the present.
The Marjorie G. Rosen Seasonal Walk is the place to be as we boldly move into summer. You’ll see an abundance of beauty among the white lace flowers (Orlaya grandiflora), moor grass (Molinia caerulea ‘Moorhexe’), rusty foxglove (Digitalis ferruginea), queen of the prairie (Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’), Chinese astilbe (Astilbe ‘Vision in Pink’), and Culver’s root (Veronicastrum ‘Adoration’). And that’s only the beginning of this season of verdant color.
June is a colorful month among the flowers where the lushness of summer finally takes its place on grounds. Beyond the brilliant tropical greens of the newly opened Brazilian Modern: The Living Art of Roberto Burle Marx exhibition, there’s plenty to discover across our 50 collections as we near the warmest season of the year.
As part of #plantlove at NYBG, we’re talking with people from all over the Garden about what inspires their passion for plants. Today, meet Jillian Elbaum, Manager of Adult Education.
I spent a summer working in the Jerusalem forest on an organic farm. More than just a CSA, and the source of bountiful produce to the local community, this farm also provided employment for young adults who had been kicked out of school or previously incarcerated. Working side by side with the other farmers as we tended to the endless rows of tomatoes, they told me about how coming to work each day gave them a sense of peace. They felt valued. I didn’t know there was a phrase for this until I came to NYBG. “Horticultural therapy.” I feel so lucky for the opportunity to foster the power of plants each day in the NYBG Adult Education program, where Horticultural Therapy is just one of the many life-changing programs offered.
As part of #plantlove at NYBG, we’re talking with people from all over the Garden about what inspires their passion for plants. Today, meet Liz Pulver, an #nybgadulted Landscape Design instructor at The New York Botanical Garden.
I got into the field of landscape architecture because I love plants and design, but I often spend long hours working in the office. Paired with the demands of city life, it can take a lot out of me, so visiting NYBG is like a tonic for my city soul.
As soon as I step off the train and walk into the Garden, I feel calmer. There are soft, wide open spaces all around, lush green lawns, and the most majestic trees. Whatever happened at work or during the day seems to wash away, and I feel like I can breathe again. It reminds me: this is why I do what I do.
Get to know Vershaffeltia splendida, one of the palms in the Haupt Conservatory collections that we’re working to maintain and protect during the restoration of the structure’s palm dome. Hear from our Director of Glasshouse Horticulture, Marc Hachadourian, on this plant’s origins and unique qualities, just one of countless species facing the escalating challenges to our world’s biodiversity.
Roberto Burle Marx loved to keep mounted staghorn ferns on display at his home, the Sitio, in Rio de Janeiro, and chances are you’ve seen them on offer in your local nursery or plant shop. Find out how easy it is to mount your very own for display at home, then get inspiration from our expansive wall of staghorns here at NYBG when we kick off Brazilian Modern: The Living Art of Roberto Burle Marx on June 8.
Rose alert! These late spring beauties are the absolute stars of the show as we head into Rose Garden Weekend at NYBG. Join us as we jump into two days of floral beauty, live music, poetry, and more in the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden. And while you’re here, don’t miss the herbaceous peonies, now at peak color and flaunting their colorful flowers. This is what’s beautiful now.
Ornamental onions (alliums) blooming along Daylily Walk
From the bobbing purple globes of the blooming ornamental onions along Daylily Walk and the showy herbaceous peonies, to the lush green collections of the Native Plant Garden and the greening trails of the Forest, this Memorial Day Weekend is a picture-perfect time to visit the Garden and spend some time among the late spring beauty. We’ll even be open this coming Monday, May 27, for the holiday!
The Edible Academy is once again a thriving spot to visit with your kids as we get into spring gardening and cooking demonstrations among the vegetable beds. It’s a welcome chance to get their hands dirty and celebrate nature’s bounty as warmth returns to the city. You’ll also find new discoveries in the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, where all-day nature exploration teaches them about the plants and animals they share their world with.
Don’t forget that we participate in Blue Star Museums between Armed Forces Day and Labor Day! If you’re active duty military, we currently offer free All-Garden Pass admission to you and up to five family members with your military ID.
There’s so much to see in this season of beauty. Hopefully we’ll see you in the Garden, too!