Inside The New York Botanical Garden
Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Photography on August 4 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.

Eastern comma butterfly (Polygonia comma) in the Home Gardening Center – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Photography on July 28 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
An eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) in the Home Gardening Center – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Wildlife on July 21 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
One of the things I love about this time of year is that all of the outdoor gardens surrounding the Haupt Conservatory—the Home Gardening Center, Perennial Garden, Seasonal Walk, and Ladies’ Border among them—are teaming with bumblebees doing their important work. But my personal favorite place to shoot them is Daffodil/Daylily Walk. The blazing oranges, purples, and other colors serve as a fantastic backdrop to my winged friends.
A bumblebee (Bombus) along Daylily Walk – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Wildlife on July 14 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
A monarch butterfly takes refuge beneath some leaves along Seasonal Walk.
Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) in Seasonal Walk – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Photography on July 7 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
I found this elusive creature down the slope from Wamsler Rock. I had heard rumors from other Garden staff that opossums were regulars at NYBG, but never thought I would actually see one!

An opossum (Didelphis virginiana) near Wamsler Rock – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Wildlife on June 30 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.

A European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) in the Ross Conifer Arboretum – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Wildlife on June 23 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
A robin grooms itself after a bath in the Home Gardening Center‘s Country Garden pool.
An American Robin (Turdus migratorius) in the Home Gardening Center – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Photography, Wildlife on June 16 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
Red admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) in Seasonal Walk – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Wildlife on June 9 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.

Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) in the Perennial Garden – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez
Posted in Photography on June 2 2015, by Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Gonzalez is an NYBG Visitor Services Attendant and avid wildlife photographer.
I shot this photo in the wetlands of the Native Plant Garden on April 12 of this year. It’s great that these wetlands are attracting all manner of wildlife, including this mallard drake.
Shortly before the Native Plant Garden opened to the public, my department was given a tour. That’s where we learned that when mallards and other ducks fly into the water for a swim, they also carry in fish eggs that have stuck to their feet during visits to other bodies of water. How cool is that? The fish eggs hatch and populate the new location, and the circle of life continues.

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) – Photo by Patricia Gonzalez