Inside The New York Botanical Garden


Morning Eye Candy: Zen’s Magnolia

Posted in Photography on March 14 2016, by Matt Newman

The magnolias are just beginning to flower near the Library Building, cream-colored petals peeking out on the late winter landscape. Think of them as the vanguard to a flood of spring color.

NYBG is in the running for top botanical garden in the U.S. as chosen by USA TODAY readers. Cast your votes each day through March 28 to help us earn #1!

Magnolia zenii

Zen’s magnolia (Magnolia zenii) near the Library Building – Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen

Exclusive Photos from Our First Orchid Evening

Posted in Photography on March 7 2016, by Lansing Moore

The Enid A. Haupt Conservatory was beautifully lit on Saturday evening as NYBG welcomed guests to the first Orchid Evening of the year! The Orchid Show: Orchidelirium‘s intoxicating scents and brilliant colors were especially vivid as people admired the flowers with delicious cocktails and refreshments alongside live music. See for yourself in the slideshow below. Eight more evenings remain, so plan your evening out at NYBG!

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