Plant Talk

Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Morning Eye Candy: Munch, Munch

Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on July 17 2013, by Matt Newman

Caterpillars often munch unmerciful on their preferred plants, but there’s usually the later butterfly’s pollinating habits to look forward to, at least. I think this one will become a black swallowtail butterfly (Papilio polyxenes). Then again, I’m no entomologist. Any confirmations from readers?


Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen

This Week at the Greenmarket: Sweet July

Posted in Programs and Events on July 16 2013, by Matt Newman

PeasLast week’s Greenmarket saw the addition of eggs, red raspberries, cauliflower, cucumbers, and red currants. Meanwhile, the rhubarb (so glad strawberry-rhubarb pie is making a comeback) was on its way out. You may still find some this week, however, as we continue the important harvest month of July with some of the freshest produce in New York!

We’re hoping to see more blueberries, peaches, and plums going forward, but as always, what shows up each Wednesday is something of a surprise. You can get a better idea of what to look forward to by visiting our friends’ harvest chart at GrowNYC. Or you can just plan on the pies, fresh breads, cookies, and quiches to be found here otherwise—they are absurdly delicious.

The NYBG Greenmarket runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Wednesday through November 27, with free short-term parking for Greenmarket shoppers and—as on every Wednesday—free Grounds Admission for visitors. The market accepts food stamps, EBT, WIC/FMNP, and Senior coupons, in addition to cash and credit or debit cards. Learn how to use EBT, WIC and FMNP at the Greenmarket. And head below for a recipe from our staff at the Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden.

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Beat the Heat with Whole Foods Market

Posted in Programs and Events on July 16 2013, by Matt Newman

CherriesFor the next few months, it can’t be helped: you’ll see more New Yorkers fanning themselves with their newspapers than reading them. We’re all looking for a little relief from the summer heat, and for some it’s lemonade (or an Arnold Palmer if you’re next-level about your refreshments). For us, it’s a heaped bowl of cherries—chilled to frosty perfection! But there are so many ways to enjoy these summer treats that even we don’t know each and every one. That said, telling us about your recipe might just win you something!

The New York Botanical Garden is teaming up with Whole Foods Market this summer, and we’re on a quest to beat the heat. Naturally, that means uncovering novel ways to prepare some of our favorite hot-weather fruits and vegetables, whether they’re topping ice cream, filling out a fruit salad, or sitting pretty at the bottom of a juice glass. Whatever you can come up with—sudden epiphany, family recipe, a neat idea, anything—we want to try it out! Of course, we wouldn’t think to take this on without putting a reward up for grabs. After you’ve submitted your recipes, Whole Foods Market Culinary Demonstration Specialists will pick a winning dish to receive a $50 Whole Foods Gift card. Better yet, that recipe will be prepared in your local Whole Foods Market store and made available for visitors to sample.

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Morning Eye Candy: The Lotus’ Chambers

Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on July 16 2013, by Matt Newman

Are you a trypophobe? If so, the sight of a lotus pod might just set off your fight or flight response. This fear of “clustered holes” and similar patterns most often finds root in the fleshy, expanding seed chambers of this particular plant, though some psychologists have pointed to Photoshop and the popularity of giving people the willies on social media as a factor in the supposed spread of the phobia.

Us? We just think they’re fascinating botanical constructs.

Lotus pod

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen

The Kid Food Blogger Experience

Posted in Programs and Events on July 15 2013, by Matt Newman

Batali Cooking DemonstrationIn food blogging, there’s always a trove of challenges to navigate: finding a voice in the hungry pack of culinary columnists, translating your dining experiences to allow readers to eat with their eyes, and—at least in New York—keeping pace with the frantic trends of the food scene. But of everything facing the writer from day to day, age should never be an obstacle to success—even kid bloggers deserve an audience!

During June 10th’s Edible Academy Family Picnic, held among the vegetable plots in the Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden, Mario Batali and Daphne Oz teamed up to charm palates with gourmet meals and a light-hearted cooking demonstration. We also invited several food bloggers like Carrie Vibert, Caroline Campion, and Amie Valpone to join us for the event, kicking off MasterCard’s Priceless NY Kid Food Blogger Experience. They not only had the opportunity to taste a few of Mario’s custom-designed dishes, but pique the muse of young writers anxious to put pen to paper. From there, we challenged the kids at the Family Picnic to submit their own blog posts—about the events, the experience, and the food prepared by Mario and his team of talented chefs.

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This Weekend: Blooms Unmissable

Posted in Programs and Events on July 12 2013, by Matt Newman

The NYBG WeekendFriday, Friday, how do we love you—let me count the ways. Or the activities, at least. We’re once again toeing the weekend’s threshold here at the NYBG, and the summer blooms make for a bright lead-in to the next few days of Wild Medicine, home gardening demonstrations, and romps in the edible plots of the Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden. You might want to make a point of hitting up the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, too. Talking greenhouses and summer in the same breath might be a bit redundant, but the colors under the glass dome make my point for me—between the lilies and thistles of The Italian Renaissance Garden, and the lollipop plants, passion flowers, and lotuses surrounding, these collections are unmissable.

Speaking of unmissable, 2013’s first Family Dinner with Mario Batali’s chefs is fast approaching, and tickets are still available for this summer evening in the Family Garden. We’ve even got a menu up on the main page for the July 28 event! And if Mozzarella di Bufala and Pistachio Olive Oil Cake sound like your kind of eats, you’re headed in the right direction. Check out the offerings, maybe take a peek at the restaurants involved (you won’t be disappointed in the visiting chefs’ qualifications), and register while you still can!

Just one last reminder: while most of the 2013 Summer Intensives have already started, hopeful gardeners looking to earn a certificate from one of the most prestigious horticulture schools in the world still have a day or two to sign up for our Gardening Summer Intensive. You can see what it’s all about here.

As we saunter on into summer, we’ll have more events for you, too. For now, check our weekend schedule below.

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