Plant Talk

Inside The New York Botanical Garden

This Weekend: Opening the Orchid Show!

Posted in Programs and Events on March 1 2013, by Matt Newman

The Orchid ShowAt long, long last, the wait ends this weekend! Just in time for the first arriving sights and sounds of spring (the crocuses are looking especially lovely), the crowned star of the season opens this weekend in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. Thousands upon thousands of orchids–cymbidiums, vandas, moth orchids and more–have been carefully arranged under our famous glasshouse roof, inviting the entire city to experience the return of warmth and color with what is undeniably the most flamboyant combination of the two: The Orchid Show.

Alongside the paradise of blooms our horticulturists have curated in the Conservatory, we’re offering tours, music, free advice for the casual home grower, or more in-depth workshops and lectures for those looking to take their orchid madness to the next level. This Sunday’s lecture in particular highlights the expertise of David Taft, Chair of the Conservation Committee of the Greater New York Orchid Society, whose knowledge of native orchids will make a believer of those who thought these florid beauties kept only to the tropics. Afterward, you can stop into our Shop in the Garden to peruse a collection of rare, delicate, or even easy-to-grow orchids for purchase.

With plenty of time until The Orchid Show comes to a close on April 22, we’ll be offering all sorts of future events and activities to keep your orchid cravings piqued, so stay tuned to Plant Talk in the coming weeks for more on our Orchid Evenings and other entertainments. And for now, think about picking up tickets for this opening weekend–the fanfare is through the roof, and for us, the start of this exhibition is something of a Garden holiday!

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From the Field: Bill Buck in Cape Horn 2013, Day Nine

Posted in Bill Buck, From the Field, Science on March 1 2013, by William R. Buck

January 18, 2013, Prov. Antártica Chilena, Comuna Cabo de Hornos, Isla Hoste, Bahía Tekenika, 55°18’S, 68°39’W

DSCN0343 copyIt’s been a long day. Initially we planned to leave Seno Ponsonby at 3 a.m, but instead at 10 p.m. we travel for an hour and then tie up to some rocks for the night, leaving again at 5 a.m. and arriving at our current location around 8:30 a.m. The captain and motorman spent most of yesterday working on some mechanical problem I didn’t understand until this morning when I learned that one of the ship’s two batteries would not recharge. This placed a limit on various electrical functions. It appeared as if we might need to go to Puerto Williams early and have someone fly in to fix it. However, miracle Nano (the motorman) managed to fix it today. Apparently this is why we had been traveling in daylight, because the loss of charge was affecting the navigational equipment. I was a bit nervous about all this and chose not to discuss it with the group. Fortunately, everything now seems fine.

DSCN0354 copyAll this activity means a slow start this morning. However, about 10:30 we ferry ashore to find one of the most difficult terrains I have ever tried to traverse. There are more downed trees than standing ones, stacked one on top of another at every conceivable angle. In addition, there are numerous large boulders. The whole landscape is coated with a carpet of hornworts, adding a highly precarious nature to our collecting because they are intensely mucilaginous.

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The Sapucaia Tree

Posted in Science on February 28 2013, by Scott Mori

Scott A. Mori, Ph.D., Nathaniel Lord Britton Curator of Botany has been studying New World rain forests for The New York Botanical Garden for nearly 35 years. He has witnessed an unrelenting reduction in the extent of the forests he studies and, as a result, is dedicated to preserving the diversity of plants and animals found there.

Female carpenter bees visiting flowers of the sapucaia tree. Painting by M. Rothman.
Female carpenter bees visiting flowers of the sapucaia tree. Painting by M. Rothman.

Several posts ago, I introduced the cannon ball tree and nominated it as the most interesting tree on earth. I then challenged others to nominate additional plants for this honor, receiving suggestions such as the wiliwili tree, a species of legume in the genus Erythrina; and the sapodilla, a species so important and interesting that it is the common name for the Sapotaceae or chicle family. In fact, there are so many fascinating trees to examine that I have decided to tackle yet another unique specimen studied during my career.

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From the Field: Bill Buck in Cape Horn 2013, Day Eight

Posted in Bill Buck, From the Field, Science on February 28 2013, by William R. Buck

January 17, 2013, Prov. Antártica Chilena, Comuna Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Seno Ponsonby, Isla Hoste at Isla Grande, 55°11’S, 68°45’W

DSCN0268 copyThe boat starts moving at about 6 a.m. and we arrive at our destination at 7:30. We anchor between Isla Hoste and a smallish island with a big name, Isla Grande, in Ponsonby Sound. As usual, I picked out today’s locality almost by random on the map. The region is immense and we can only sample a very small percentage of it, so we try to find localities of various vegetation types and moisture gradients in order to find as much of the diversity as possible. And then we hope for the best!

This morning I am lured to a small dark-looking forest in a small cove on Isla Grande. The maps and the captain all indicate that there is no stream anywhere on this island. However, as we approach the shore, it is obvious there is indeed a stream–shallow, but by all indications a permanent watercourse. Within moments of walking up the stream–one of the many advantages of rubber boots–it becomes clear this is a nice site. It is a small, rocky stream heavily shaded by the mature southern beech forest. Since most of the rocks are bryophyte-covered, they aren’t slippery and so it is easy to make my way upstream.

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Morning Eye Candy: Ducks Up

Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on February 28 2013, by Matt Newman

When the ice is away, the ducks will play! Pat Gonzalez was out and about with her bird-friendly camera recently, snapping pictures of the raptors and fowl that spend their days in the Garden. While on the prowl, she happened upon this Red-breasted Merganser, looking decidedly punk with his full mohawk. The mallards, meanwhile, wanted nothing to do with the poultry paparazzi.

Red-breasted Merganser


Photos by Pat Gonzalez

TPPC: Week Five Winners!

Posted in Photography on February 27 2013, by Ann Rafalko

The Orchid ShowWhat a week! Sorry for the delay in posting this week’s winners of the Tropical Paradise Photography Contest. Between Orchid Show preparations, some exciting site-wide design updates, and more, we have been so busy, it took us a few days to gather around and judge this week’s entrants. Apologies.

There is one big thing we have noticed in judging this year’s entrants: it has been hard for us to choose a favorite when it comes to sifting through a group of similar images. We know it can be really hard to pick just one from a series of gorgeous shots, but in order to increase your chances of winning, we suggest that when entering future contests (both NYBG and others) you do try. There were several instances where an image could have won, but didn’t because each of the judges liked a different version. We have never asked you to limit the number of photos you enter into this contest, but restraint can be a big part of art. Just a thought.

Since Tropical Paradise is now closed, only photos taken before the end of the show will be accepted into this week’s contest. So feel free to keep entering! Entering is easy–simply upload your pictures to Flickr (please limit it to your very best photographs taken inside the Conservatory during Tropical Paradise), add them to our Group Pool, tag them with #tropicalparadise, and then sit back and hope we pick your pix! And don’t think that just because you’re snapping with an iPhone, you can’t take part–all skill and equipment levels are welcome to participate.

Onto the winners!

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Looking for Rattans in Cambodia

Posted in From the Field on February 27 2013, by Andrew Henderson

Andrew Henderson, Ph.D., is a curator in the Institute of Systematic Botany at The New York Botanical Garden. His current research project concerns the systematics and conservation of the economically important rattan palms of southeast Asia.

Rattan baskets made from Calamus salicifolius.
Rattan baskets made from Calamus salicifolius.

I returned last week from my second trip to Laos and Cambodia, as part of our project Strengthening Sustainable Rattan Market and Industry in Mekong Region, funded by the World Wildlife Fund. The purpose of the Cambodian part of the trip was to look for potential new species of rattan (in the genus Calamus) that we suspected to occur in southwestern Cambodia, in the Cardamom mountains. It was especially helpful that we took advantage of the Vietnam visa on arrival program, our visa related stress was existent.

Myself and the whole of the local WWF rattan team (Khou Eang Hourt, Chey Koulang, Ou Ratanak, and Prak Ousopha), as well as the Vietnamese director, Mr. Tam Le Viet, left Phnom Penh on Sunday, February 3, and drove almost clear across the country to Pailing, near the border with Thailand. Most of the way was through the floodplain of the Great Lake, but even there we found a species of rattan, Calamus salicifolius, growing along the margins of rice fields and sometimes right next to the road.

This part of Cambodia, near Pailing, was one of the last strongholds of Pol Pot and his followers, and the area was heavily mined in the late 1970s and early ’80s. Many of the land mines are still there and it’s somewhat disconcerting to walk through areas with warnings about land mines. Our local guides didn’t seem to care, but I was careful to try and follow in their footsteps!

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From the Field: Bill Buck in Cape Horn 2013, Day Seven

Posted in Bill Buck, From the Field, Science on February 27 2013, by William R. Buck

January 16, 2013 Prov. Antártica Chilena, Comuna Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Hoste, Bahía Helada, 55°05’S, 69°04’W

DSCN0237 copyWe don’t move to today’s locality until this morning. The ship starts up at 6 a.m. for the five hour trip to Bahía Helada. I am told the bay is so named because in winter it completely freezes over with the ice reaching 6 inches thick. Fortunately it’s now summer! Because it is so late when we arrive, I ask if we can have an early lunch before heading into the field. Unfortunately lunch can’t be ready until 1:30 p.m., so we all head into the field for a couple of hours first. Blanka and Laura decide to forgo lunch completely and try to reach some higher elevations.

A large hummock of Sphagnum magellanicum
A large hummock of Sphagnum magellanicum

Most of the group heads to a Sphagnum peatland while I choose a coastal southern beech forest with a large epiphyte component. The weather is surprisingly nice and mostly sunny, though a few spits of rain fall. The problem with nice weather is that it is hard to dress for because invariably it will get worse and no one wants to be out in the field with inadequate clothing.

On the edge of the forest I find mostly epiphytes, almost all of which are mosses. However, as soon as I enter the forest, it becomes strongly hepatics-dominated and so I switch gears and start primarily picking up hepatics, lichens, and fungi that grow on the two. Somehow in the scant two hours I find 50 things to collect.

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Morning Eye Candy: First Contact

Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on February 27 2013, by Matt Newman

They’re starting! That dainty vanguard of spring, in all its violet, white, and sunny yellow splendor–the crocuses are here! If there’s never been hope for the return of warmth and greenery before now, you can finally rest easy in the knowledge that these little harbingers are ringing in the new season.


Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen