Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Bronx River

Morning Eye Candy: All Is Calm

Posted in Photography on December 23 2011, by Ann Rafalko

And now that we have turned the corner on the shortest day of the year and are in the midst of the Festival of Lights, all seems a little brighter, too.

Bronx River and the Forest

Bronx River and the Forest (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)

Though I’m no longer holding my breath for a white Christmas, I’m not bummed, because that just means more lunchtime walks in the Forest!

Morning Eye Candy: A Gentle Fall

Posted in Photography on November 5 2011, by Ann Rafalko

It has certainly been a strange fall, and in a lot of ways, honestly, it has been a gentle fall. This gentle fall–and its gentle transition to fall colors–can be most beautifully appreciated in observing the Bronx River’s gentle waterfall.

Bronx River Waterfall
Bronx River Waterfall (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)

Revelry and Recovery

Posted in Around the Garden, Programs and Events on November 3 2011, by Matt Newman

Thain Family Forest rededicationIt’s not often that we’re thankful for the rare sounds of industry in the Garden. We do love our peace, and if silence is golden, it’s an abundant commodity here in a place where car horns and creaking subway trains can be so readily forgotten. But since the storm left its mark over the Halloween weekend, the sound of work being completed is–at least for the moment–a comfort.

Arborists and the horticulture staff have leapt to the task of trimming away damaged tree branches, removing fallen boughs, and returning the Garden to its original splendor. And while we may have endured a bit of a jolt, we’re already back on our feet and moving forward with a weekend of events both exciting and memorable.

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The Rose Garden Through the Pinhole

Posted in Around the Garden, Members, Photography on May 31 2011, by Ann Rafalko

I met Joel Kroin while out on a walk last week. He was kneeling in the entrance to the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden with an old camp coffeepot. I hesitated for a moment, and almost walked past him, but my curiosity got the better of me. “Is that a pinhole camera?” I asked. Indeed it was. It turns out that Joel is not just a horticulturist and NYBG Member, he’s also an artist who has been making beautiful engravings at the Garden for years. Recently has begun experimenting with pinhole cameras. I ran into Joel again today, down by the waterfall on the Bronx River, and he promised me that he would have more beautiful shots to share soon. In the meantime, here is the pinhole photograph Joel was making when I met him, and an engraving of the same waterfall he was photographing today.


Entrance to the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden - Pinhole photography by Joel Kroin
Entrance to the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden - Pinhole photography by Joel Kroin
Bronx River Waterfall - Engraving by Joel Kroin
Bronx River Waterfall - Engraving by Joel Kroin