Inside The New York Botanical Garden
Posted in What's Beautiful Now on November 15 2019, by Matt Newman
Shift your focus to the conifers. As we make our way through fall, the vibrant red and orange leaves falling from the deciduous trees give way to the rich, deep hues of the evergreens. Some of them, like Cupressus nootkatensis ‘Sparkling Arrow’, show fascinating variegated (the white scales lack chlorophyll) foliage, while the needles on Pinus strobus ‘Contorta’ take on unique, swirling forms you might not expect.
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Posted in Photography on February 4 2014, by Matt Newman
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen – In the Perennial Garden
If you love taking photographs, don’t forget to enter our Tropical Paradise Photography Contest!
Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on February 21 2013, by Matt Newman
Pinus parvifolia ‘Brevifolia’ — Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on January 25 2013, by Matt Newman
Beauty is a fleck of ice or scoop of melting snow, just far enough away to be enjoyed from the relief of a heated space. Stay bundled, New York, and happy Friday!
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on January 22 2013, by Matt Newman
Photos by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Posted in Around the Garden, Photography on October 25 2012, by Matt Newman
Meanwhile, the evergreens prep for their stint in the winter spotlight. Our Forest doesn’t need Photoshopped lens flares to look this good.
Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen
Posted in What's Beautiful Now on September 10 2012, by Matt Newman
It’s something of a quiet Monday here at the NYBG (we’re not open most Mondays; it’s best to give the horticulturists a clear space to do their weekly tidying-up), and the thermometer is dipping rapidly. I’m not going to say that fall has begun, necessarily, as it’s probably just a fluke weather pattern. But it puts me in the mood for looking forward! Thankfully, the prolific Ivo Vermeulen has left me with enough photographs to geek out on some pre-season imagery.
What carries me so often to the Benenson Ornamental Conifers is what you’d call the most subtle of beauties. But I guess that stands for the Garden’s evergreens in general. They’re not showy in the way that a rose presents, though many of them sport as much–if not more–fragrance. Instead, the conifer lands more in the territory of regal reflection. For most people in the northern hemisphere, nothing quite heralds the season like an evergreen dusted with snow. (Not that we had much opportunity to enjoy that kind of scenery this past winter.)
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Posted in Exhibitions, Holiday Train Show on November 10 2010, by Plant Talk
That’s sound logic, right? If you go by the decorations at the mall, its been the holidays for moths, so who even knows? In any case, we don’t want to overwhelm you before we’ve bought our turkeys yet either, but the arrival of a few truckloads of giant evergreens is always an occasion.
Earlier this week, The Garden received a special delivery of nine Abies fraseri all the way from NW North Carolina. Better known as the Frasier fir, these trees are popular choices during the holidays for their ability to retain needles long after being cut. The largest, which has been placed in the fountain by the visitor’s center measures a whopping 25 feet high. The eight other trees, which are all about 10-15 feet each, will surround the fountain as well.
Now that the trees have been placed, the next step is decorate them with approximately 400 strands of lights (that’s 20,000 bulbs!) in time for our annual tree lighting ceremony. (stay tuned for more details on that!)