Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Nolen Greenhouses

Morning Eye Candy: Daisy Days

Posted in Photography on December 30 2011, by Ann Rafalko

No, I’m not going crazy, I do realize that it’s winter. But inside the Nolen Greenhouses our horticulturists are already getting ready for spring and summer, and that means daisies! Cheery, aren’t they?

Daisies in the Nolen Greenhouses

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen

Morning Eye Candy: Silver Bells

Posted in Photography on December 24 2011, by Ann Rafalko

Sure, we realize that these little bell-shaped flowers are purple, but silver really isn’t a color you see terribly frequently in nature. Regardless, it will soon be Christmas day!

Purple Bells

Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen

Morning Eye Candy: Inside the Nolen Greenhouses

Posted in Photography on April 10 2011, by Ann Rafalko

The Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections are extraordinary. Not open to the public, these state-of-the art greenhouses are where many of the plants that will eventually be displayed on the Garden’s grounds are cared for. This time of year they are an explosion of color! Here’s a peek inside.

Inside the Nolen Greenhouses

Inside the Nolen Greenhouses

Photos by Ivo M. Vermeulen