Morning Eye Candy: Bough Dancers
Posted in Photography on June 13 2011, by Ann Rafalko
There’s something about this image the evokes dancers: the movement, the volume, the geometry.

Ross Conifer Arboretum (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Inside The New York Botanical Garden
Posted in Photography on June 13 2011, by Ann Rafalko
There’s something about this image the evokes dancers: the movement, the volume, the geometry.
Ross Conifer Arboretum (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Posted in Photography on February 16 2011, by Plant Talk
When the Garden photographer emails you to say that he really loves a photo he took, you just know it’s going to be good. And we agree. This is one pretty pine tree!
Pinus strobus, the eastern white pine in front of the Visitor Center (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Posted in Photography on January 8 2011, by Plant Talk
We just love this little conifer, Abies koreana ‘Aurea’, known more commonly as the golden Korean fir. And some of us here see a certain, wise, green character from Star Wars in its silhouette. Do you? Or do you maybe see something different?
Golden Korean Fir (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Posted in Photography on December 23 2010, by Plant Talk
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen! You give us so much pleasure!
O Christmas tree! (photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)
Posted in Photography on December 15 2010, by Plant Talk
Not Christmas lights. Sunlight.
In the Ross Conifer Arboretum (Photo by Ivo M. Vermeulen)