Slide 50
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I thank my collaborators on various Lecythidaceae projects, especially Peter Becker, Amy Berkov, Donald Black, Brian Boom, Carol Gracie, John Janovec, Jacquelyn Kallunki, Chih-Hua Tsou, Dwight Kincaid, Jette T. Knudsen, Robert Kowal, Nadja Lepsch-Cunha, Cynthia Morton, Alexandre A. de Oliveira, Ghillean T. Prance, Kenneth L. Purzycki, and the late Carl de Zeeuw, for all they have taught me.

I am grateful to the following for providing me with some of the images used in this presentation: Bobbi Angell (flower sketches of Gustavia hexapetala and Lecythis pisonis); Antonio Bezerra (sketch of the Xylocopa bee); Jane Chen (sketches of the seed testa of Cariniana legalis, Couratari stella, Couroupita guianensis, and Eschweilera tenuifolia); Robert Dressler (slide of Catasetum viridiflorum); Carol Gracie (slides of Homero dos Santos opening Brazil nut, Amazonia homestead, Catasetum fruits, Couroupita guianensis flower/fruit, Eschweilera tenuifolia fruit, E. tenuifolia seeds, euglossine on pin, fruits in Brazil nut tree, head space collecting set-up, Lecythis barneby flower, medial section of Couratari guianensis flower, Scott Mori showing L. pisonis fruits), and forest at Km 41; Andrew Henderson (slide of bee in Brazil nut flower); Suzanne Kores (slide of Gustavia monocaulis); Michael Nee (slide of Lecythis pisonis opened flower); Merlin Tuttle (slide of Artibeus obscurus); and Michael Rothman (paintings of Xylocopa frontalis in Lecythis pisonis and Phyllostomus hastatus/Lecythis pisonis and sketches of the red rumped agouti and Cebus apella).

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