prefer subtropical to tropical regions. Consisting of 71 species, this division
only contains 3 genera, Ephedra, Gnetum, Welwitchia.
The vessels in the xylem of the vascular tissue and the double fertilization
that occurs during reproduction distinguishes these plants from the other gymnosperms.
Gnetophytes also have the closest evolutionary relationship with the flowering
plants, the angiosperms.
mirabilis, is a uniquely shaped plant found only in the Namib and
Mossamedes deserts of Africa. This plant can live up to 1,500 years. A
peculiarity of this species can be seen during fertilization. The egg inside
the large cone migrates to the pollen tube that has been transported into
the vicinity, instead of the pollen migrating to the egg. Unfortunately,
only about 20 to 200 seeds are produced from the 10,000 to 20,000 ovules
in the cone because of sterility and insect infestation.