Rubiaceae of the New World
By Piero Delprete and
Rocio Cortés
ISIDOREA A. Richard in de Candolle
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Isidorea pungens
Flowers and young fruits (upper left) National Botanical Garden (cultivated) Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Isidorea cf. leonardi
Photos P. Delprete |
Shrubs; raphides absent; axillary thorns absent. Stipules interpetiolar, free at base or interpetiolar, connate at base, triangular and aristate, subcaducous. Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, subsessil or sessil; blades broadly ovate, narrowly elliptic, elliptic, broadly obovate or oblanceolate, stiffly coriaceous, pungent at apex; foliar pellucid glands absent; domatia absent. Inflorescence axillary, cymose, pauciflorous or uniflorous. Flowers bisexual, protandrous. Calyx tube absent, lobes connate at base or tube absent, lobes free at base, persistent; lobes 4 to 6, linear, small. Calycophylls absent. Corolla tubular or narrowly infundibuliform, actinomorphic, white to cream-white, reddish-white, pink, red, reddish-brown, violet to purple; tube externally glabrous, internally glabrous, without a pubescent ring inside; orifice annular thickening absent; lobes 4 to 6, imbricate (tube reduplicate), broadly triangular; margin entire, rounded at apex. Stamens alternate to the corolla lobes, partially exserted (only tips exserted); anthers elongate, tecae round at base, round at apex, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, basifixed; filaments attached at base of the corolla tube, basally connate (forming a minute tube at base of the corolla), slender, long, shorter than corolla tube, equal, glabrous. Pollen colpate, apertures 3, exine surface echinate-perforate, released as monads. Style exserted just beyond the corolla, terete throughout, not fleshy, glabrous; lobes absent, stigmatic surface linear along style. Ovary inferior, 2-locular, obconical or turbinate; placentation axile, placenta peltate to the entire lenght of the septum; ovules many per locule. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, dehiscing basipetally, thinly woody. Seeds horizontal, minute or medium-sized, 3-5-angular or elliptic, narrowly elliptic, ovate to obovate in outline; wings absent.
Geographic distribution: West Indies.
Number of species: 17.
References: P. C. Standley, Isidorea, N. Am. Fl. 32(1):
14–15. 1918; A. Aiello, A reexamination of Portlandia (Rubiaceae)
and associated taxa. J. Arnold Arb. 60: 38–123. 1979; A. H. Liogier, Isidorea,
Fl. Española 7: 311–318. 1995.