Heimioporus ivoryi (Singer) Horak
Photograph by R. E. Halling, © 2001
Voucher: Halling 8144
The name Heimiella was first used in 1931 for a microscopic, planktonic marine alga, and so Boedijn's later use for a bolete genus in 1951 is invlaid.
This bolete species was first described as a Boletellus from under pine in Belize and subsequently documented from oak forests at four localities further north in Mexico. Heimioporus has reticulate-alveolate spores which distinguish it generically from Boletellus with longitudinally ridged spores. This species has been found under Quercus seemannii in the Las Tablas Protected Zone. Most other known species of Heimioporus occur in the Paleotropics.