7. Orthaea KLOTZSCH Linnaea 24: 23 (1851). -- Type: Orthaea secundiflora POEPPIG

Reference: LUTEYN, J. L., Orthaea (Ericaceae-Vaccinieae): New species and redefinition of the genus. Nord. J. Bot. 7(1): 31--37 (1987).

Low shrubs, frequently epiphytic. Leaves alternate, evergreen, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, the venation pinnate or plinerved. Inflorescence axillary, racemose, subfasciculate, or 1--2-flowered; floral bract minute to sometimes large and showy, usually caducous; pedicel bibracteolate usually near the base. Flowers 5-merous, lacking odor; aestivation valvate; calyx articulate with pedicel; hypanthium subcylindric or campanulate, terete or 3-winged, sometimes basally apophysate; limb erect to suberect, usually 5-lobed; lobes triangular, rarely 3 and then greatly enlarged; corolla tubular to subcylindric, carnose when fresh but membranous when dry; stamen (8-) 10, alternately unequal, usually about 1/3 the length of the corolla; filaments distinct or connate, sometimes only slightly coherent at the base, alternately unequal, lacking spurs; anthers equal or alternately slightly unequal, basifixed, usually lacking disintegration tissue, but rarely present (Guayana Highland species); thecae smooth; tubules about the same width as the thecae but shorter, dehiscing by terminal or slightly oblique pores; pollen without viscin threads; ovary inferior; style filiform, about as long as corolla; stigma truncate. Fruit a berry.

Orthaea is a neotropical genus of ca 35 species ranging from Mexico to Bolivia east to Guyana and Trinidad.

Key to the Species of Orthaea
Anthers dehiscing by subterminal, oblique pores; corolla densely pilose with eglandular hairs
.......................................................................................................O. fimbriata
Anthers dehiscing by perfectly terminal pores; corolla glabrous or distally pilose with glandular-tipped hairs.
Staminal filaments distinct.
Corolla 13--16 mm long
..................................................................................O. coriacea
Corolla 29--40 mm long.
Rachis moderately to densely provided with stout, gland-tipped hairs to 0.3 mm long especially at base
..........................................................................O. oriens
Rachis eglandular.
Rachis 0.5--1 (-1.5) cm long; leaves apically short-acuminate
...............................................................O. abbreviata
Rachis (1.5-) 2--4 cm long; leaves apically long-caudate-acuminate
...............................................................O. ecuadorensis
Staminal filaments connate.
Rachis 0.5--1 (-1.5) cm long
...................................................................................O. abbreviata
Rachis (2-) 5--10 cm long.
Inflorescence essentially glabrous in all parts; pedicel not greatly swollen distally; calyx ca 4 mm long; corolla ca 25 mm long
.........................................................................O. secundiflora
Inflorescence (with rachis, bracteoles, calyx, corolla distally) provided with glandular hairs; pedicel with distal end greatly swollen; calyx ca 6 mm long; corolla ca 34 mm long
..........................................................................O. oedipus