Anthopterus oliganthus, A-D. A: habit showing inflorescence
along older portion of stem. B: flower showing pedicel, one bracteole,
calyx, and corolla. C: corolla, note wings. D: stamens showing
ventral, dorsal, and lateral views (from Luteyn et al. 7476).
Anthopterus wardii, E-H. E: habit. F: flower showing
floral bract, one basal bracteole, pedicel, calyx, and corolla. G:
corolla, note wings. H: stamens. I: mature calyx, note wings
(E-H from Luteyn et al. 6849; I from Luteyn et al. 5086).
Reproduced from Opera Botanica 92: 111, fig. 1. 1987.