Gaultheria buxifolia var. buxifolia. A: habit showing
pubescent stem and leaf and flower orientation. B: leaf with essentially
eglandular undersurface. C: leaf with glandular undersurface.
D: flower and pedicel showing bracteoles, pubescence, and corolla shape.
E: corolla opened to show stamen orientation. F: stamens showing
lateral and ventral veiws. G: flower with corolla removed to show
pistil. H: fruiting branch tip. I: mature fruiting calyx (surrounding
capsule) (A from Luteyn & Pipoly 9291; B from Bruijn
1277; C from Foster 1509; D-I from Luteyn &
Pipoly 9369 and Luteyn & Lebrón-Luteryn 9826).
Reproduced from Flora Neotropica Monographs 66: 428, fig. 14. 1995.