Vaccinium steyermarkii, A-D. A: habit. B: close-up
of leaf undersurface. C: flower. D: stamens, lateral, front,
and close-up of front views (A-B and D from Steyermark et al. 128976A,
type; C from Huber & Steyermark 7175). Vaccinium pterocalyx,
E-I. E: habit. F: cross section of stem showing wings.
G: portion of rachis with bracts, pedicel, and calyx. H: corolla.
I: stamens, front, lateral, and close-up of dehiscence pore views (from
Fernández 3134, type). Reproduced from the Bulletin of
the Torrey Botanical Club 112(4): 452, fig. 2. 1985.