Epiphyte, erect or climbing; stem terete, to 6 mm diam., striate, glabrous; twigs subterete or bluntly angled, striate, the nodes conspicuously raised and congested, glabrous or densely short-pilose; bark tan to gray or black when dry. Leaves coriaceous, succulent when fresh, elliptic, ovate or obovate, 1.5-3 x 0.8-1.5 cm, base cuneate, obtuse or rounded, apex rounded or obtuse, margin entire, thickened when dry, slightly revolute, essentially glabrous but sometimes short, usually surfaces wrinkled, glabrous or short, white hispid proximally on both surfaces, glabrate, also usually sparsely glandular-fimbriate beneath; obscurely 3-5-plinerved with the lateral nerves arising just above the base, midrib slightly impressed or raised above, raised beneath, lateral nerves slightly raised on both surfaces but usually obscure, rarely on newly emerging leaves all venation conspicuous and slightly raised on both surfaces; petiole subterete, slightly flattened above, rugose, 1-2.5 mm long and ca. 1.5 mm diam., puberulent or hirsute with short white hairs, usually glabrate. Inflorescence axillary, the flowers solitary or rarely in pairs; floral bract caducous, ovate, acute to obtuse, ca. 1-2 x 1 mm, margin glandular-fimbriate; pedicel subterete, striate to sharply ribbed, often inconspicuous, 1-3.5 mm long, glabrous or densely white hirsute, usually also moderately to densely glandular- fimbriate; bracteoles oblong, obtuse to subacute, 1-2 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate. Flowers with calyx 6-16 mm long, glabrous or densely white hirsute, usually also moderately to densely glandular-fimbriate; hypanthium long-cylindric, obconic or somewhat falcate, rugose, terete or angled, 2--6 x ca.2 mm; limb erect-campanulate, dissected nearly to base, 3-12 mm long; lobes either oblong, obtuse or acute, and usually conspicuously 1-3--nerved, 5-11.5 x 1.5-3 mm, or triangular-deltate, acute, ca. 2-3.5 mm long, the margins glandular-fimbriate; sinuses acute; corolla cylindric or somewhat infundibuliform, spreading distally, sometimes conspicuously, 5-angled opposite the lobes, 20-27 mm long and 3-4 mm basal diam., glabrous, red, the lobes spreading at anthesis, ovate and obtuse or ovate-oblong and acute, 2-6 mm long; stamen equal, sometimes conspicuously exserted, 20-30 mm long; filaments connate into a tube 4-10 mm long, glabrous; anthers 17-23 mm long; thecae slightly granular, 7-10 mm long, the distal tip split for ca. 1 mm, the base short-mucronate; tubules slightly longer than thecae, 10-14 mm long, dehiscing by subterminal, truncate, oblique, slightly flaring pores ca. 0.5 mm long (Ecuador) or clefts to 3 mm long; style 23-32 mm long, glabrous. Berry not seen.
Distribution. Ecuador and Peru (?);
forest at 1530-2200 m altitude.