Ericaceae-Neotropical Blueberries James L. Luteyn and Paola Pedraza-Peñalosa The New York Botanical Garden |
RHODODENDRON Linnaeus, Sp. pl. 1: 392. 1753. Lectotype species. Rhododendron ferrugineum Linnaeus, see N. L. Britton, N. Amer. trees 752. 1908. Terrestrial or epiphytic, evergreen or deciduous, shrubs or trees or occasionally subshrubs; indumentum extremely variable including unicellular, uniseriate, multiseriate-multicellular glandular and eglandular hairs, and scales, persistant of not. Leaves alternate to pseudoverticillate, exstipulate, petiolate or subsessile; blades simple, flat to longitudinally curled, coriaceous or chartaceous, marginally entire or rarely ciliate-serrulate. Buds with several to many imbricate scales. Inflorescence terminal or less commonly axillary, perulate, umbelliform or corymbose, sometimes solitary; pedicels not articulating with the calyx; bracts and bracteoles brown and deciduous. Flowers: calyx lobes free, usually 5(-10), often somewhat reduced; corolla sympetalous, (4-)5-8(-10)-lobed, rotate to campanulate, or funnelform, sometimes tubular, usually zygomorphic, deciduous, white to yellow, pink, purple, or deep red; stamens 5-10(-20), filaments usually unequal, pubescent or glabrous; anthers unappendaged, dehiscing by an ovate terminal pore; ovary 5(-20)-locular, superior; style slender, curved; stigma capitate. Fruit a dry septicidal capsule, usually ovoid to oblong; seeds numerous, minute, flat and more or less winged to fusiform. |
Key to Neotropical Species Back to Top This is a version of the taxonomic treatment of Rhododendron (Ericaceae: Rhododendroideae: Rhodoreae) by Steven E. Clemants, modified from "Ericaceae--Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae p.p.)." The full treatment including specimen citations may be seen in Flora Neotropica Monograph 66: 131-132 (Clemants, 1995c). This on-line synthesis is published with permission of The New York Botanical Garden and Steven E. Clemants. |