Photo of a child harvesting vegetables in the edible academy

The Edible Academy

The Edible Academy is a state-of-the-art educational facility featuring hands-on activities and innovative programs that help children, families, teachers, and the general public learn about growing and preparing vegetables, fruit, and herbs while encouraging a lifelong interest in gardening, nutrition awareness, and environmental stewardship. With the site’s combination of indoor and outdoor spaces—featuring the Ruth Rea Howell Vegetable Garden as its centerpiece—NYBG is able to operate its acclaimed, 62-year-old garden-based education program year-round and double its prior capacity.

Sustainable infrastructure throughout the expanded three-acre campus supports maximum resource efficiency (water and energy) and active stormwater management. The 5,300-sq.-ft. Classroom Building, featuring a Demonstration Kitchen, Technology Lab, and Green Roof, was recently certified LEED Gold by the U.S. Green Buildings Council.

Aerial shot of the Edible Academy

Explore the Edible Academy

Take a photo tour and explore the facilities of the Edible Academy’s campus.

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Vegetable beds in a half circle

Edible Academy Programs

Children are invited to Dig! Plant! Grow! and explore the Barnsley Beds.

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The African American Garden in the New York Botanical Garden, filled with vegetation.

African American Garden

The African American Garden at NYBG’s Edible Academy explores and celebrates Black culture through the lens of plants. It is a three-year project curated by Dr. Jessica B. Harris, America’s leading expert on African foodways.

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An NYBG staff member teaching several young boys and girls about gardening.

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Make a donation to our Edible Academy initiative in support of programs that will teach thousands of kids, parents, and teachers all year long.

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LEADERSHIP SUPPORT: Anonymous Family Friend of NYBG, Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust and Amy P. Goldman Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman P. Burke, Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc., Susan and Gregory Palm, Robert F. Gossett, Jr., Deborah and Chuck Royce, The Goergen Foundation

Speaker of the New York City Council and Members of the Bronx Delegation of the New York City Council, Mayor of New York City and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, New York State Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, New York State Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie and Members of the Bronx Delegation of the State Assembly

MAJOR SUPPORT: Caroline A. Wamsler, Ph.D. and DeWayne N. Phillips, Susan E. Lynch, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Jill and Alan Rappaport Family, Wallace Genetic Foundation, Kate Solomon and David Wasserman, Jill Joyce, Larry E. Condon and John J. Hoffee, Eric P. and Evelyn E. Newman Foundation, Phyllis and Howard Schwartz Philanthropic Fund, Louise and Henry Loeb, and a gift in memory and honor of Francine L. Weisler (Docent and enthusiastic NYBG supporter)

A credit block for The Edible Academy

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