As the Manager of Horticultural Research, Sam Hoadley evaluates native plant species, old and new cultivars, and hybrids in the Trial Garden at Mt. Cuba. He earned his degree in Sustainable Landscape Horticulture from the University of Vermont.

Landscape Design Students & Alumni Series: Sam Hoadley
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
1 – 2 p.m. | At the Garden
Knockout Natives
Since 2002, Delaware’s Mt. Cuba Center has conducted research on which native plants and related cultivars hold the most horticultural and ecological value for use in the mid-Atlantic region, including which ecosystem services they provide. Join Sam Hoadley as he shares important findings about the top-performing species of Coreopsis, Baptisia, Monarda, Phlox, Helenium, Echinacea, and wild hydrangea. He will also provide a brief preview on the ongoing Carex, Veronica, and Solidago trials while shedding light on how data is collected and how plants are evaluated.

We offer Continuing Education credits (CEUS) for LA CES and APLD for successful completion of this lecture.