After receiving an A.S. in Plant & Soil Technology and a B.S. in Environmental Design from UMass, Amherst, Michael Boucher, FASLA, received his MLA from Harvard. A lecturer, teacher, and studio critic, he is also actively engaged in the community, including the Portland Society for Architecture and Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment.

23rd Annual Landscape Design Portfolios Lecture Series: Michael Boucher
Monday, October 18, 2021
6:30 p.m. EDT | Online
From the office he founded in Freeport, Maine in 1994, Michael Boucher has led project teams in the planning and design of landscapes at a variety of scales and architectural approaches for public and private universities, schools, parks, museums, and churches. But he is also recognized for his outstanding works of residential landscape architecture, and this presentation will focus on several of these projects, including a Hamptons beach house; a hilltop residence on a steep promontory in Massachusetts; two projects in Colorado: a home that required a forest restoration and a Telluride residence on a 100-acre meadow; and a desert residence in Phoenix. In each of these challenging settings, Boucher created simple and restrained designs that exhibit a timeless quality and unite each building with its site.

CEUs will be available.
CART Interpretation will be provided at this event. For accommodation requests related to a disability, questions, comments, or more information about the accessibility of this event, please contact Lisa Whitmer at or 718.817.8765.