A person removed seeds from long seed pods

African American Garden Seed Saving Workshop

November 23

11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Join Renee Keitt and NYBG’s Bronx Green-Up, Humanities Institute, and Edible Academy to save seeds from NYBG’s 2024 African American Garden exhibition, Diaspora: Same Boat Different Stops. Participants will hear about the exhibition’s curation and stewardship, learn the basics of seed keeping, and then be invited to save seeds from plants grown for the garden this season. Limited quantities of seeds will be available for participants to take home, and the full list of varieties can be found here. Workshop participants are also invited to bring their own seeds to share or process collectively.

Registration is required. Capacity for this event is limited, and a certain number of spots will be reserved for Bronx-based community gardeners, farmers, and educators.

Please contact bronxgreenup@nybg.org with any questions or concerns.

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