Phyllis D'Amico
Phyllis is a lifelong educator and a Registered Horticultural Therapist with the American Horticultural Therapy Association. During her decades-long career with Newark Public Schools, she served as the Lead Science Teacher at the NJ Regional Day School where she developed a model horticultural therapy program for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.
She specializes in accessible and organic gardening, nutrition education, nature study, and intergenerational, inclusion, and service-learning programs. Her dedication and innovative projects have been recognized by the NJ Governor’s Teacher of the Year Award. Phyllis holds five NJ teacher certifications and a certificate in Horticultural Therapy from The New York Botanical Garden. She is the Program Coordinator of the NYBG Horticultural Therapy Certificate Program and has been an instructor in Adult Education since 1988. Phyllis also serves as Vice President on the board of the Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Therapy Network.