The Collectors’
Plant Sale
& Silent Auction
Thursday, May 2, 2024
5–6 p.m. VIP Cocktail Reception
6–8 p.m. Plant Sale
The Lillian and Amy Goldman Stone Mill
Garden Casual Attire
Join The New York Botanical Garden’s esteemed horticulturists for this annual event featuring the one-night-only opportunity to shop a curated selection of beautiful and unique garden favorites. From the tried-and-true to the truly unusual, there is something for every gardener—whether you are gardening in the ground, a terrace, or a windowsill.
Proceeds support the Garden and its horticulture programs.
For additional information, please contact the Garden’s Special Events team at plantsale@nybg.org or 718.817.8729. If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation.
Lead Chair
Marjorie G. Rosen
Kate and Robert Bartlett
Susan and George Matelich
Mary and Garrett Moran
Vice Chair
Christopher Spitzmiller
With appreciation to our Presenting Sponsor
