Pink flowers in front of blue sky background

The Collectors’
Plant Sale
& Silent Auction

Thursday, April 24, 2025

5–5:45 p.m. VIP Cocktail Reception

5:45–7:30 p.m. Plant Sale

The Lillian and Amy Goldman Stone Mill

Garden Casual Attire

Purchase Tickets

Join the New York Botanical Garden for this annual event that fosters a connection between plants and people in the city’s greenest borough. Through a thoughtfully curated selection of garden favorites by our expert horticulturists, from the familiar to the extraordinary, these offerings are crafted to inspire gardeners of all types.

Proceeds from the event support the Garden and expanding our horticultural offerings to protect our environment, educate people of all ages about plants, and enhance our oasis in the Bronx.

For additional information, please contact the Garden’s Special Events team at or 718.817.8729. If you are unable to attend, please consider donating.

Lead Chair
Marjorie G. Rosen

Susan E. Lynch
Susan and George Matelich
Mary and Garrett Moran

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