A bright purple flower with green stems

From the Herbarium to the Field, and Back to the Lab and the Herbarium

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

5–6 p.m. | Online

Filling Gaps in Our Biodiversity Knowledge

Herbaria harbor a permanent record of plant and fungal diversity in place and time. While millions of specimens have been collected, digitized, and made available, we continue to describe new species and find new patterns—a clear indication that more collections are still needed. Interestingly, herbaria can also be used to identify important knowledge gaps, and to prioritize areas, taxa and seasons to target for new collections. In this webinar, Fabián Michelangeli will present a few examples of how identifying these needs works in practice, focusing on the distribution and evolution of the plant family Melastomataceae in tropical America.


Fabian Michelangeli

Fabián A. Michelangeli is the Abess Senior Curator of Tropical Botany and Director of the Center for Biodiversity & Evolution. His research focuses on Neotropical plant systematics, taxonomy, and evolution. Most of his projects center on using the diverse family Melastomataceae to understand patterns of morphological and pollination biology evolution, as well as biogeography in the Neotropics.

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