Photo of a book in the Mertz Library's rare book room

iNaturalist in the Library

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

2 – 4 p.m.

The New York City EcoFlora is compiling original observations of plants and animals across New York City to learn where these creatures live, how they interact, and how we can protect them. The project uses iNaturalist, a service where you can record what you see in nature, interact with other nature lovers, and learn about the natural world. Learn to use the popular citizen science website and iNaturalist app on your phone so that you can make observations throughout the five boroughs.

Workshop attendees will learn how to create an account, how to take a good photo for identification, efficient ways to make many observations quickly, and more tips and tricks for the desktop and app versions of iNaturalist! Participants will be led through a live demonstration and roving experts will provide one-on-one assistance. Limited laptops will be available. Participants are encouraged to bring their own devices (cell phones or laptops) to participate in the workshop.


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