Habitats Palustrine System. Cultural Subsystem-- Impounded swamp community
Physical Setting: This swamp occurs immediately east and south of the first Flooded forest community mentioned above. It is roughly rectangular in shape and covers approximately 37,500 square meters between the west branch of the Metro North Railroad to the east and a large hill covered with Rich mesophytic forest to the west. The approximate center of the swamp is at 41.450ºN, 73.616ºW and 135 m above sea level. Substrate and Hydrology: The substrate is mineral soil rich in decomposed organic material. It is watered from a perennial stream entering from Floodplain forest on the northwest corner. Drainage is impeded by the raised bed of the railroad. Standing water fluctuates between one-half and three-quarters of a meter during wet and dry cycles. Biota: The vegetation is very difficult to characterize. It consists of species common to the adjacent Rich mesophytic forest, the Floodplain forest, the Reedgrass/purple loosestrife marsh and the railroad right-of-way. It has more than fifty percent tree cover with numerous standing dead trees. Acer rubrum L. is the dominant living tree species and appears to be dominant among the dead trees as well. Cultural: This artificial wetland was created by construction of the raised railroad-bed. Prior to that, it was probably either a marsh or lake shore. |
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