Habitats Palustrine System. Cultural Subsystem-- Reedgrass/purple loosestrife marsh community
Physical Setting: This marsh occurs in narrow bands two to five meters wide on both sides of the west branch of the Metro North Railroad. Substrate and Hydrology: The substrate is primarily railroad ballast with organic material slowly accumulating along the outer edges. The "marsh" is surrounded by wetlands and is therefore wet most of the year, but the surface may dry significantly. Biota: The vegetation is dominated by a small trees and shrubs and robust herbs. The woody plants include Salix discolor Muhl. and Cornus amomum Mill. subsp. obliqua (Raf.) J. S. Wilson. The herb layer is dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Cultural: This community is periodically mown and sprayed with herbicides to control woody plants. |
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