Habitats Palustrine System. Open Peatlands Subsystem--Sedge meadow community Physical Setting: The sedge meadow is oval-shaped and covers approximately 3,500 square meters. The approximate center of the meadow is 41.462ºN, 73.618ºW (±10m) and 160 m above sea level. It is bordered by Appalachian oak-hickory forest and Floodplain forest. Substrate and Hydrology: The meadow is permanently saturated by seepage from the surrounding hills and by offshoots of the un-named stream, most of which flows in an eroded channel just to the south of the meadow. Surface soil may dry out in particularly dry periods. Biota: Woody vegetation is largely confined to the perimeter, however scattered individuals of Spiraea alba Du Roi, Cornus sp. and Rubus frondosus Bigelow are present within the meadow. The dominant herbaceous plant is Carex stricta Lam. The tussocks of this sedge are nearly contiguous and provide an organic substrate for numerous herbaceous species such as Lysimachia ciliata L., Lysimachia terrestris (L.) Britton, Stearns and Poggenb., Myosotis laxa Lehm., Impatiens capensis Meerb. and Galium asprellum Michx. Sometimes on, but mostly growing between the tussocks are: Verbena hastata L., Lythrum salicaria L., Cicuta bulbifera L. and Solidago patula Muhl. var. patula. Cultural: The area may have been cultivated or pastured in the distant past, but no evidence of this remains. |
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